
A dead simple RSS news ticker for the console. Watch the news go by, and press Enter when something catches your eye.

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A dead simple RSS news ticker for the console. Watch the news go by, and press Enter when something catches your eye.


  • Z to cycle between several text colors
  • <Up>, <Down>, j, k to scroll
  • q or Ctrl+C to quit
  • Enter to open the selected item

Feeds and some options are configured in the config.json file

	"TextColor": 2,
	"RefreshRate": 60,
	"Feeds": [
		{"title":"DistroWatch", "url":"https://distrowatch.com/news/dw.xml"}
  • TextColor (an integer between 0 and 6) defines a text color option
  • RefreshRate defines how often the feeds will be updated, in seconds
  • Feeds is an array of JSON objects, each containing a title and url parameters, self-explanatory