Equivalent XML JS is designed to ease the process of testing XML output. The work is a port of equivalent-xml
- Comparing text output is brittle due to the vagaries of serialization.
- Attribute order doesn't matter.
- Element order matters sometimes, but not always.
- Text sometimes needs to be normalized, but CDATA doesn't.
> var doc1 = EquivalentXml.xml("<root><foo a='1' b='2'>Hello</foo><bar>World</bar></root>");
> var doc2 = EquivalentXml.xml("<root><bar>World</bar><foo b='2' a='1'> Hello </foo></root>");
> EquivalentXml.isEquivalent(doc1,doc2);
> EquivalentXml.isEquivalent(doc1,doc2, {element_order: true});
> EquivalentXml.isEquivalent(doc1,doc2, {normalize_whitespace: false});
{element_order: true }
Require elements to be in the same relative position in order to be considered equivalent.
{normalize_whitespace: false }
Don't normalize whitespace within text nodes; require text nodes to match exactly.
In your SpecHelper.js
file add:
beforeEach(function() {
Then in your tests you can write
expect(node_1).beEquivalentTo(node_2,{element_order: true});
If you want to test or build the source you will first need to install Ruby and Bundler. Once you have this:
$ bundle install
$ mkdir build
$ rake build
All of the tests are written in Jasmine. Sprockets is used to describe dependencies between the files. To start jasmine run:
$ rake jasmine
Open your browser to http://localhost:8888
If you want to run the tests directly in the console just type:
$ rake jasmine:ci
/Users/theo/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p0/bin/ruby -S rspec spec/javascripts/support/jasmine_runner.rb --colour --format progress
[2012-03-15 15:46:50] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2012-03-15 15:46:50] INFO ruby 1.9.3 (2011-10-30) [x86_64-darwin11.1.0]
[2012-03-15 15:46:50] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=39919 port=63714
Waiting for jasmine server on 63714...
jasmine server started.
Waiting for suite to finish in browser ...
Or you can check the current status of master using Travis
It has been tested on:
- Chrome 18
- Safari 5
- Firefox