
:page_facing_up: Paper Summaries

Primary LanguageHTML

This repository is a compendium of notes on papers I've read.

Getting Started

If you want to read the paper summaries, simply go here. If you want to add a paper summary, or clone this repo and create summaries of your own, here's how everything works.

  • First, add your summary as a markdown file in the papers directory.
  • Run make to convert each markdown file foo.md into an HTML file foo.html using pandoc.
  • Then, update index.html with a link to the HTML file (e.g. foo.html)

It's as simple as that. Oh, and if you want to include MathJax in your summary, add the following to the bottom of the markdown file:

<script type="text/javascript" async

If you want to add syntax highlighting, add this:

<link href='../css/default_highlight.css' rel='stylesheet'>
<script src="../js/highlight.pack.js"></script>