
Peer into the source code for a high-level view of how a package is constructed. This is a personal CLI tool built in Go, using Cobra, Viper, and the AST package.

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


A repository for common, reusable functions


To see a list of available functions in the package as a demo, just: go run .

This will print out all of the exported functions with comments, arguments, and return types, e.g.:

Functions in the 'helpers' package:

[ slices ]

  // SliceContains checks if an item is present in the given slice.
  SliceContains(slice []T, item T) bool

  // SliceIntersection returns a new slice containing the common elements of two slices.
  SliceIntersection(slice1 []T, slice2 []T) []T

[ terminal ]

  // ClearTerminal clears the terminal screen based on the operating system.
  ClearTerminal() error

  // TerminalColor prints the given string to the terminal in the color corresponding to the error level
  TerminalColor(message string, level ErrorLevel)

  // TerminalInfo prints collects various information about the current terminal.
  TerminalInfo() (*Terminal, error)

Structs in the 'helpers' package:

[ terminal ]

  // Terminal struct holds information about the user's terminal environment.
  Height int
  Width int
  OutputType string
  NumberOfSupportedColors int
  TERM string
  SHELL string
  COLORTERM string



If your source machine is linux, use appropriate forward slashes and build natively: Build: go build -o bin/peekr Run: ./bin/peekr --help

The Peekr command by itself doesn't do anything at the moment. Please
see the Peekr list subcommand via: 'peekr list --help'

  peekr [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  list        List the functions and structs within a package.

  -d, --directory string   Absolute path of directory to scan.
  -h, --help               help for peekr
  -p, --package string     Name of package to scan.

Use "peekr [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Run: ./bin/peekr list --help

Peek into the source code for a high-level view of how a package
is constructed. By default, the 'list' command will print both
functions and structs in the specified package. You can filter
out one or the other by specifying '-s' and '-f' flags.

  peekr list [flags]

  -f, --functions   Only list package functions.
  -h, --help        help for list
  -s, --structs     Only list package structs.

Global Flags:
  -d, --directory string   Absolute path of directory to scan.
  -p, --package string     Name of package to scan.


If your source machine is Windows, use appropriate backward slashes and build natively: Build: go build -o bin\peekr.exe Run: bin\peekr.exe --help

CLI Options / flags

Show both functions and structs:

  • ./bin/peekr list -d "/home/matt/projects/golangpeekr" -p "helpers"
  • ./bin/peekr list -sf -d "/home/matt/projects/golangpeekr" -p "helpers"

Show functions only:

  • ./bin/peekr list -f -d "/home/matt/projects/golangpeekr" -p "helpers"

Show structs only:

  • ./bin/peekr list -s -d "/home/matt/projects/golangpeekr" -p "helpers"


go install gotest.tools/gotestsum@latest

gotestsum --format=testname

EMPTY config
EMPTY helpers
PASS peekr.TestExtractFuncParams/No_params (0.00s)
PASS peekr.TestExtractFuncParams/One_param (0.00s)
PASS peekr.TestExtractFuncParams/Multiple_params (0.00s)
PASS peekr.TestExtractFuncParams/Unnamed_params (0.00s)
PASS peekr.TestExtractFuncParams (0.00s)
PASS peekr.TestExtractFuncResults/No_results (0.00s)
PASS peekr.TestExtractFuncResults/One_result (0.00s)
PASS peekr.TestExtractFuncResults/Multiple_results (0.00s)
PASS peekr.TestExtractFuncResults/Named_results (0.00s)
PASS peekr.TestExtractFuncResults (0.00s)
PASS peekr.TestExprToString/Identifier (0.00s)
PASS peekr.TestExprToString (0.00s)
PASS peekr.TestCommentify/Single_line_comment (0.00s)
PASS peekr.TestCommentify/Multi-line_comment (0.00s)
PASS peekr.TestCommentify/Empty_comment (0.00s)
PASS peekr.TestCommentify (0.00s)
PASS peekr (cached)

DONE 16 tests in 0.167s