Proxy Switcher allows you to automatically execute actions, based on the detected network connection. As the name indicates, Proxy Switcher comes with some default actions, for example setting proxy settings for Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera.
- afischer211Germany
- alexandresnFortaleza, CE, BR
- ANT0x1
- atdavewatts
- brunowego@henkiz
- ckolumbusGermany
- codev777
- DanAtkinsonYorkshire, UK
- devinroza
- dzmitry-lahodaportugal
- fredericrousTeckro
- gravypowerBendigo
- GregDThomasUK
- husmenDetection Technology
- idtareq
- jtdengShanghai
- lcorbassonParis, France
- linust
- lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
- michaelvdnestJohannesburg
- patforgOttawa, On
- peterbocciaAvanade
- richbealesKent, UK
- sindicateCGI
- telefunkenvf14
- thunfischbrot
- tomfrazierSeattle
- toXelGermany
- utkarshsins
- vavavr00m
- westphalj@dbopendata
- windreamer
- xlashCanada
- xRayDev
- yanxyz
- zzfnohell