
Demo lab setup for AWS Internet VIP NLB feature on AWS VPC site.


                               + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
+---------+                    |  +-------------+   +---------+  |    +-------------+
| bastion |                       |  AWS NLB    |   |  F5 XC  |       |  workload   |
|  host   |------{ Internet }-----| cname xyz   |---| AWS VPC |-------|   nginx     |
| client  |                       | TCP Port 80 |   |  Node   |       | TCP Port 80 |
+---------+                    |  +-------------+   +---------+  |    +-------------+
                               |    F5 XC AWS VPC Site ns-ce1    |
                               + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +

2 HTTP LB, one for port 80 and the other on port 8080 get created, both pointing to the same workload nginx web server. There will only be one AWS NLB per site created, but each F5 XC HTTP LB creates its own AWS target group.


  • Copy terraform.tfvars.example and adjust with your credentials
  • terraform apply
  • Initial run with fail with data resource aws_lb returning 0 elements, simply rerun terraform apply and it will succeed
  • Run validate.sh on any Internet connected client to test reaching the workload web server via the AWS internet VIP LB of the ce1
$ ./validate.sh
host ves-io-vip-6663-7191e5cdc95f939f.elb.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com
ves-io-vip-6663-7191e5cdc95f939f.elb.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com has address

curl -H Host:vip.mwlabs.net http://ves-io-vip-6663-7191e5cdc95f939f.elb.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com ...

 ___ ___   ___                    _
| __| __| |   \ ___ _ __  ___    /_\  _ __ _ __
| _||__ \ | |) / -_) '  \/ _ \  / _ \| '_ \ '_ \
|_| |___/ |___/\___|_|_|_\___/ /_/ \_\ .__/ .__/
                                      |_|  |_|

      Node Name: F5 Docker vLab
     Short Name: adf3558dd810

      Server IP:
    Server Port: 80

      Client IP:
    Client Port: 51206

Client Protocol: HTTP
 Request Method: GET
    Request URI: /

    host_header: vip.mwlabs.net
     user-agent: curl/7.86.0

curl -H Host:vip.mwlabs.net http://ves-io-vip-6663-7191e5cdc95f939f.elb.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com:8080 ...

 ___ ___   ___                    _
| __| __| |   \ ___ _ __  ___    /_\  _ __ _ __
| _||__ \ | |) / -_) '  \/ _ \  / _ \| '_ \ '_ \
|_| |___/ |___/\___|_|_|_\___/ /_/ \_\ .__/ .__/
                                      |_|  |_|

      Node Name: F5 Docker vLab
     Short Name: adf3558dd810

      Server IP:
    Server Port: 80

      Client IP:
    Client Port: 51206

Client Protocol: HTTP
 Request Method: GET
    Request URI: /

    host_header: vip.mwlabs.net
     user-agent: curl/7.86.0

Helper scripts

  • list_sites.sh queries terraform output and returns public and private IPs of the F5 XC CE and workload instance
  • validate.sh extracts CNAME of the CE's AWS NLB and sends a curl request using the HOST settings matching the loadbalancer.tf config