
Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Deploy k0s clusters with 1 or more worker nodes on proxmox and deploy F5 XC kubernetes site (ce pod) on them.

+------------+  +----------+ +----------+ +----------+
|   alpha    |  |  alpha   | |  alpha   | |  alpha   |
| controller |  | worker-0 | | worker-1 | | worker-2 |
|   k0s VM   |  |  k0s VM  | |  k0s VM  | |  k0s VM  |
+------------+  +----------+ +----------+ +----------+
      |              |            |            |
       |              |            |            |
+------------+  +----------+ +----------+ +----------+
|    beta    |  |   beta   | |   beta   | |   beta   |
| controller |  | worker-0 | | worker-1 | | worker-2 |
|   k0s VM   |  |  k0s VM  | |  k0s VM  | |  k0s VM  |
+------------+  +----------+ +----------+ +----------+

Site Mesh Group is established between the clusters:

Site Mesh Group


First 2 k0s clusters alpha and beta:

cd cluster
terraform apply

This will generate alpha.kubeconfig and beta.kubeconfig in the directory above cluster. These are used to deploy F5 XC Kubernetes CE's in both clusters with

cd ../ce_k0s
terraform apply

Once ONLINE, check pods with

$ ./cluster-info.sh

alpha .... 

Kubernetes control plane is running at
CoreDNS is running at

To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.

alpha-w0   Ready    <none>   21h   v1.23.15+k0s
alpha-w1   Ready    <none>   21h   v1.23.15+k0s
alpha-w2   Ready    <none>   21h   v1.23.15+k0s

NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
etcd-0                        2/2     Running   0               31m
etcd-1                        2/2     Running   0               31m
etcd-2                        2/2     Running   0               31m
prometheus-785c874d46-4w2n7   5/5     Running   0               31m
ver-0                         17/17   Running   1 (9m17s ago)   31m
ver-1                         17/17   Running   1 (9m25s ago)   29m
ver-2                         17/17   Running   1 (9m23s ago)   27m
volterra-ce-init-dxp67        1/1     Running   0               35m
volterra-ce-init-z56x7        1/1     Running   0               35m
volterra-ce-init-zbpnx        1/1     Running   0               35m
vp-manager-0                  1/1     Running   3 (22m ago)     34m
vp-manager-1                  1/1     Running   2 (31m ago)     34m
vp-manager-2                  1/1     Running   2 (32m ago)     34m

beta ...

[Kubernetes control plane is running at
[CoreDNS is running at

To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.

beta-w0   Ready    <none>   20h   v1.23.15+k0s
beta-w1   Ready    <none>   20h   v1.23.15+k0s
beta-w2   Ready    <none>   20h   v1.23.15+k0s

NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
etcd-0                        2/2     Running   0             33m
etcd-1                        2/2     Running   0             33m
etcd-2                        2/2     Running   0             33m
prometheus-66ddf5c796-9n4jh   5/5     Running   0             32m
ver-0                         17/17   Running   2 (10m ago)   32m
ver-1                         17/17   Running   2 (10m ago)   31m
ver-2                         17/17   Running   2 (10m ago)   27m
volterra-ce-init-c5nnb        1/1     Running   0             35m
volterra-ce-init-t5kp7        1/1     Running   0             35m
volterra-ce-init-xkbfm        1/1     Running   0             35m
vp-manager-0                  1/1     Running   3 (23m ago)   34m
vp-manager-1                  1/1     Running   2 (33m ago)   34m
vp-manager-2                  1/1     Running   2 (33m ago)   34m