
Gitpod Terraform manifest to provision F5 Distributed Cloud CE as lab gateway

Primary LanguageHCL


Terraform manifests to provision F5XC IGW CE in my lab.

|       eth0        |
|    marcel-zg01    |
|  eth1  eth2  eth3 |

F5XC API Credentials

Credentials can be stored in persistent gitpod env variables. Create your credentials (see https://docs.cloud.f5.com/docs/how-to/user-mgmt/credentials for details) and download them in the gitpod shell, then provide the filenames and password to the shell script create-env-vars.sh:

$ ./create-env-vars.sh https://volterra-corp.staging.volterra.us/api \
  volterra-corp.staging.api-creds.p12 \
  mysecretpassword \

The public_server_ca.cert is only required when using staging tenants.