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Deploy F5 XC Kubernetes Site on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) with Terraform. Optionally deploy a demo httpd pod to the Internet via F5 XC.

This repo contains two seperate Terraform projects:

  1. Create a ROSA cluster with STS using customizations: Folder rosa

    Before running it, check and fullfill AWS prerequisites according to https://docs.openshift.com/rosa/rosa_planning/rosa-sts-aws-prereqs.html. The helper script rosa-pre-reqs.sh can be used to query AWS, particularly for the required account roles, which are pulled in as data resource rosa/iam.tf. The Terraform manifest is simply a wrapper around the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) CLI, rosa and also requires the OpenShift CLI, oc, installed.

    The user cluster-admin is created and used to log into the cluster (storing kubeconfig in ~/.kube/config) and 400 2M Hugepages are automatically assigned to worker nodes as a final step of the ROSA deployment.

  2. Deploy redundant F5 XC Kubernetes Site (as a Pod) on the ROSA cluster: Folder ce_k8s

    This creates a F5 XC site token and deploys a customized version of ce_k8s.yml with 3 replicas, accepts the registrations and waits for the site to be online. Once complete, the deployed pods in ves-sytem can be listed using oc get pods -n ves-system.

  3. Deploy HTTPS LB with auto cert via RE for f5-demo-httpd pod on the cluster and publish it on the Internet: Folder https_lb_re

    This requires an existing delegated domain present in your F5 XC tenant, which the chosen FQDN is a subomdain. See Domain Delegation for details.

  4. Deploy f5-demo-httpd on the cluster as frontend and backend (separate namespaces) and publish frontend via Openshift ingress operator to the Internet: Folder east_west_lb. Backend service is connected to frontend via F5 XC LB/origin pool.

    No prerequisites regarding delegated domain, as the service is published at <service_name>.apps.<cluster_name>.*.p1.openshiftapps.com.

Deploy via docker

Instead of installing terraform, ROSA and oc binaries locally, a docker container can be built and used to deploy.

  • Build container
docker build -t rosa-terraform .

(or run make, which executes docker bulid)

  • Use container

use the shell script rosa-terraform.sh instead of the terraform binary:

cd rosa
../rosa-terraform.sh init
../rosa-terraform.sh plan
../rosa-terraform.sh apply

It mounts the current directory, allowing read-write access, to maintain terraform state outside the container.
