
Things that need to be done:

Deployment: [!] Deployment on linux server (Install .net Core Mvc on linus, build application, run application on linus, setup Httpd with Core Mvc application) [ ] Setup Production, Testing and Development environments (database structure, assets)

Security: [ ] Security (authentication and identification, create SSL certificate, setup TLS) [ ] Multi factor authentication [!] Third party authentication [ ] Protection for XSS attacks by using/implementing the equivalent of Rails authentication_token [ ] Implement sand for passwords to protect against rainbow attacks

Layout: [ ] Create basic layout using twitter.bootstrap (Navigation, Default pages, Header, Footer, Columns, Theme)

Generic Functionality: [ ] Photo uploading and cropping [ ] Define and assign user claims (roles) [ ] Send email [ ] Push notifications (Websockets) [ ] AJAX requests [!] notifications, alerts, messages

Authentication Functionality [X] User sign up, login [X] Request password reset [X] Configure sign-in manager, create authentication token and authentication cookie [X] Create email verification token and create verification controller [ ] Create/send email [X] Create password reset token, create email create reset controller and form [ ] Send password reset email and create resend reset password email link [X] Create overview of users and add Delete functionality [ ] Handle error messages [ ] Create user messages, notifications, alerts, warnings [ ] Create layout for user messages using Bootstrap

Specific Functionality: [X] CRUD blog (index, new, create, edit, update, delete), layout [ ] Implement Model validations [ ] CRUD comments [X] implement routing [ ] implement routing tags for forms

Database stucture: [ ] Setup CRUD operations [ ] Understand how does linking of objects work (Ruby has_many equivalent) [ ] Understand how is inheritance handled in database structure? [ ] When objects are stored while held in the context of their parent object, how does EF handle this?

EF operations Add-Migration Initial -Context ApplicationDbContext Update-Database -Context ApplicationDbContext

Identity Dependencies: Microsoft.Extensions.Cconfiguration Microsoft.Extensions.Cconfiguration.Json Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools