
This is a repo for holding files related to maintaining account management for an application made from Java.

Primary LanguageCSS


A video walk-through of this program can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr6LE-XmyRM

Using Java Develop a sign up and authentication module to use in applications requiring users to create account and authenticate the user before accessing the applications.


  1. You must create a Person class with the following attributes:
  • first name
  • last name
  • SSN
  • dob
  • gender
  1. You must create a user class, which is inherited from Person class with the following attributes:
  • Username
  • email
  • phone number (country code + area code + phone number)
  • password
  • profile photo
  1. Design User interface for Sign up with all the attributes from 1 and 2. You need to add confirm password field too.

  2. Validate Sign up user input for each attribute according to the rules below:

  3. Required field: first name, lastname, dob, gender, username, password, confirm password

  4. Validate password field to include at least 1 number, 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter, 1 special character

  5. Validate email field to be an email format xxxx@mail.xxx

  6. Validate password and confirm password field must be the same

  7. Profile photo stores the path to the location of the photo. Use Browse button or add button for this field when designing Sing up GUI.

  8. The application will not allow duplicate username. Making sure that you will choose appropriate data structure to store user information.