
Run a spell checking job through aspell every time you build with middleman.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Run a spell checker job after the app is built. Requires 'aspell'.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'middleman-spellcheck'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Add the following to middleman's config.rb:

activate :spellcheck

Spellcheck is run automatically after build, but you can also check individual files and subdirectories:

middleman spellcheck source/about.html
middleman spellcheck source/blog/


You can spellcheck only some resources using a regex with the URL:

activate :spellcheck, page: "documentation/*" # you can use regexes, too, e.g. /post_[1-9]/

You can limit which tags the spell checker will only run through:

activate :spellcheck, tags: :p  # pass an array of tags if you have more!

If there are some words that you would like to be allowed

activate :spellcheck, allow: ["Gooby", "pls"]

You can also add allowed words to the front-matter through the spellcheck-allowed keyword. Example:

title: "Some time ago"
- GitHub
- Linux

Look into section "Fixing spelling mistakes" to help yourself with fixing spelling problems in already existing articles.

Middleman-spellcheck automatically ignores .css, .js, & .coffee file extensions. If there are some additional file type extensions that you would like to skip:

activate :spellcheck, ignored_exts: [".xml", ".png"]

To select a dictionary used by a spellchecker, use lang: option. For example, to use Polish dictionary, use:

activate :spellcheck, lang: "pl"

If you define the lang metadata in your pages / articles, then spellcheck will use those language.

Middleman-spellcheck can issue many warnings if you run it over a new content. If you want to give yourself a chance to fix mistakes gradually and not fail each time you build, use :dontfail flag:

activate :spellcheck, lang: "en", dontfail: 1

You can also disable the automatic spellcheck after build (and only run manual checks from the command line):

activate :spellcheck, run_after_build: false

Advanced users wishing to invoke Middleman-spellcheck backend (Aspell) with a custom command line may find cmdargs: useful. Please note that "-a" is a mandatory flag which one must specify in order for middleman-spellcheck to work. Other flags are up to the user. See Aspell's man page for more details.

activate :spellcheck, cmdargs: "-a -l pl"

For developers interested in extending Middleman-spellcheck and for those who encountered issues, useful might be debug: option, which will turn on extensive amount of debugging.

activate :spellcheck, debug: 1

Fixing spelling mistakes

The middleman-spellchecker extension is likely to generate large number of false-positives, e.g.: words which the spellchecker will consider incorrect (not present in a dictionary), which yet may have a valid meaning in the article's context. Common problems are acronyms, technical terms and names. To solve this, middleman-spellcheck offers two solutions:

  1. The spellcheck_allow_file file, which points to the path with a file containing words considered correct. Author of the website may decide which words are allowed to be used site-wide. Example: if you write a lot about IBM products, this file would have names such as "IBM", "AIX" or "DB/2".

  2. The spellcheck-allow keyword in a frontmatter, which will work in the context of this particular article, but not other articles. Example: your blog is about IBM, but 1 article is about AirBnB. You'd put AirBnB into your front-matter.

To set the global file, use the following clause in your config.rb:

set :spellcheck_allow_file, "./data/words_allowed.txt"

To use 2nd solution, add the following to your frontmatter:

- "AirBnB"

The middleman-spellcheck also comes with a simple CLI for fixing many problems in your articles. To invoke:

middleman spellcheck source/blog/2015-11-01-nginx-on-travis-ci.md --fix

This will pull up simple CLI menu and for each misspelled word, you'll have a following choice

Key to press Effect
g Add the word to the spellcheck_allow_file
f Add the word to this article's front-matter
i Ignore the word for now and deal with it later

After the run is finished, middleman-spellchecker will write a fixed file to source/blog/2015-11-01-nginx-on-travis-ci.md.fixed. This is a safe choice for not creating damage. If you don't want to fiddle with it, the --inplace switch will make changes dynamically, and the input file will get overwritten.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Special thanks to Readbeard-Tech for the spellchecker gem, which this code is based upon.