
update an Eclipse RCP application with p2

Primary LanguageJavaEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


update an Eclipse RCP e4 application using p2

The application hat consists of three versions (v1.0.0, v1.0.1, v1.0.2). Each version in an own branch.

Version Features


Two plugins org.wimi.rcp.app and org.wimi.rcp.extra.one. The second plugin shows a Label with text Extra One in Version 1.0.0


The same two plugins but the plugin org.wimi.rcp.extra.one showing a label with text Extra One in Version 1.0.1


Added a third blugin org.wimi.rcp.extra.two dhowing a label Extra Two in Version 1.0. on the bottom.

How to use

Here are the steps how you can test p2 updates using a Mac but should also run on Linux and Windows.

  1. checkout branch v1.0.2
  2. build branch with mvn clean verify
  3. copy folder org.wimi.rcp.product/target/repository to somewhere on your local filesystem. In this example I use /home/blanase/p2test
  4. checkout branch v1.0.0
  5. build branch with mvn clean verify
  6. start application in org.wimi.rcp.product/target/products/wimi RCP app/macosx/cocoa/x86_64/Eclipse.app. You have to set the SystemProperty UpdateHandlerRepo to the path of your repository. For example you can do this in the eclipse.ini with the line -DUpdateHandlerRepo=file://home/blanase/p2test/repository/
  7. click the first eclipse icon in the toolbar. Your application should now update from version 1.0.0 to 1.0.2. After a restart check the new Label on the Tab "Extra One" and the new View on the bottom.

You can play around with the application version an the repository version.

There are still two tasks open.

  1. updates without restart (and without the OSGi-Console)
  2. use file p2.inf instead a SystemProperty