
Backend for EmberChat with appserver.io

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a chat server for EmberChat based on appserver.io. Head to the project homepage.



Add this application as webapp to the http container vhosts in the appserver.xml

<vhost name="emberchat.dev" appBase="/emberchat" />

Build and deployment:

npm install
grunt deploy

Make sure that you added emberchat.dev to your local system vhosts. Open http://emberchat.dev:8586/ and start chatting ;)


There is a grunt deploy task and a watching deploy task grunt server. Probably you need to add --force for overwriting external files.

The appserver needs a restart after every change with root rights. For this purpose there is a separate node.js script you can use.

sudo node build/RestartListener.js

You should create a build/buildProperties.json to specify the location for your local app. This disables the download fallback which makes everything faster.

    "app": "/workspace/emberchat/dist"