
A Clojure implementation for a frontend to test European Legislation Identifiers (ELIs)

Primary LanguageClojure


A Clojure library designed to build prototypical European Legislation Identifiers (ELIs) based on Cellar data


lein compile

lein ring server-headless 

With logging this can become

lein ring server-headless 2>&1| tee out-[DATE].log


Fuseki as server backend

Download latest version of Fuseki from http://jena.apache.org/download/index.cgi (at the time of writing jena-fuseki-1.1.0) and unzip. Run the server with

./fuseki-server -loc=/var/lib/fuseki/eli -update /eli

Storage location chosen to be /var/lib/fuseki/eli (any other location will work just as well)

curl -v -XPUT -T 32012L0012.ttl --header "Content-type: text/turtle;charset=utf-8" http://localhost:3030/eli/data?graph=http%3A%2F%2Fpublications.europa.eu%2Fresource%2Fcelex%2F32012L0012

curl -v -XPUT -T 32012L0012R%2801%29.ttl --header "Content-type: text/turtle;charset=utf-8" http://localhost:3030/eli/data?graph=http%3A%2F%2Fpublications.europa.eu%2Fresource%2Fcelex%2F32012L0012R%2801%29

curl -v http://localhost:3030/eli/data?graph=http%3A%2F%2Fpublications.europa.eu%2Fresource%2Fcelex%2F32012L0012


Copyright © 2014

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.