
Issue Tracker for Humio

Humio Issue Tracker

This repo is for collecting issues and feature requests for Humio

Feel free to dive into our issue tracker.

Submitting an Bug Report

When submitting bug reports, the more info you add, the faster we can reproduce and fix the bug.

Examples of info that could be relevant:

  • Humio Version
  • Browser Version
  • API
  • Query Examples
  • Screeshots
  • Videos

Linking to issues in this repository from other GitHub repositories

GitHub is providing a very neat org/repo#42 notation for linking to issues outside of the current repository, for instance humio#1

Providing Feedback and Request Features

Getting feedback from our users are of key importance to us. So, if you have feedback you can create an issue here, send a mail to support@humio.com, or message us on Slack.

If you have concrete feature request, create an issue describing the feature or use-case you would like Humio to better support.

Thank you!