PyDragons is an AWS project for data generation, hosting, querying, and visualization initially authored by Molly Proffitt Sheets and open to collaborators.
1.0 March 24, 2020: Uploaded initial PyDragons-AthenaDemo files
2.0 April 20, 2020: Uploaded initial PyDragons-StreamingDemo files
- Grab all github files and watch the video at the youtube link here:
- Upload sample CSVs to S3 following the partition structure as shown in the video to a raw folder for each table (dragonevents and dragons). For example, you should have an S3 structure of bucketname > raw > dragonevents > 2020 > 03 > 19 > CSV and bucket name > raw > dragons > 2020 > 03 > 19 > CSV
- Create separate folders for raw data, transformed data, and Athena queries
- To create your own data sets, run the python 3 script in Terminal
- To modify the names output of these sets you can edit dragonnames.csv
- To modify dragon burn, loot, sleep, and eat parameters modify dragontypes.csv
- You can also modify the "Design Variables" section in to edit the number of events created, number of dragons created, and timing between events and dragons creations