
Generates a heatmap of IP's that made failed SSH login attempts.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Generates a heatmap of IP's that made failed SSH login attempts on linux systems, using /var/log/auth.log to get failed attempts. Uses ipinfo.io to fetch the IP address coordinates, and folium to generate the heatmap.


  • Python >3.5
  • folium
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • requests
pip3 install folium numpy pandas requests

Installation & Usage

Use wget (or curl, or git clone) to download the script.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/meesaltena/SSHHeatmap/master/SSHHeatmap.py

Use grep tot generate a text file that contains the logging entries of failed ssh connection attempts.

grep "Failed password" /var/log/auth.log > failed_attempts.txt

Get a free ipinfo api key.

Run the script, passing the required arguments.

python3 SSHHeatmap.py failed_attempts.txt <ipinfo_api_key>

You can pass additional arguments to set the minimum number of login attempts required for the ip to be included in the heatmap, and the file name to use for the heatmap.

python3 SSHHeatmap.py <sourcefile> <api key> <min_attempts> <heatmap_filename>

Open the generated heatmap HTML file in a browser.
