
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Django Simple Invoice


Django-simple-invoice is a fork of django-invoice (by simonluijk) which works without django-addressbook.

The initial version (up to 0.3.1) has been written by Thomas LOIRET.

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  • Python (2.6, 2.7)
  • Django (1.5, 1.6)


Install using pip...

pip install django-simple-invoice


Add it to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.


You can add some settings to your settings.py to customize the invoice.

SITE_NAME = 'MyWebsite'
AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'myapp.Company'
INV_MODULE = 'invoice_mod.pdf'
INV_CLIENT_MODULE = 'myapp.Company'

from myapp.models import Company
    'Meta': {
        'object_name': Company.__name__,
        'db_table': "'%s'" % Company._meta.db_table
    Company._meta.pk.attname: (
        'django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [],
        {'primary_key': 'True',
        'db_column': "'%s'" % Company._meta.pk.column}
INV_ID_MODULE = 'invoice_mod.numbering'
INV_EMAIL_SUBJECT = "MyCompany - Invoice Number %%(invoice_id)s"
INV_NAME_MODULE = 'invoice_mod.naming'
INV_EXPORT_MODULE = 'invoice_mod.export'

Run the following command

python manage.py syncdb --migrate

Configure the billing address

Each invoice is link to a model. For exemple, I for a simple user that buy something on your site, the model will be the UserProfil's model.

Invoice will be found the billing address using some property in your model.

class UserProfile(models.Model):
	user = models.ForeignKey(User, null=True, blank=True)
	contact_name = models.CharField(u'Nom du contact', max_length=255, null=True, blank=True)
	phone = models.CharField(u'Téléphone', max_length=255)
	fax = models.CharField(u'Fax', max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
   	address_1 = models.CharField(u'Adresse', max_length=255)
	address_2 = models.CharField(u'Supplément adresse 1', max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
	address_3 = models.CharField(u'Supplément adresse 2', max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
	postal_code = models.CharField(u'Code postal', max_length=100)
	city = models.CharField(u'Ville', max_length=255)
	created_date = models.DateField(u'Date de création', auto_now_add=True)

	def invoice_address_one(self):
	    return self.address_1
	def invoice_address_two(self):
    	return self.address_2
	def invoice_town(self):
	    return self.city
	def invoice_postcode(self):
		return self.postal_code
    def invoice_contact_name(self):
        return self.contact_name
    def email(self):
        return self.mail

Here, differents property which you can add to your model to set the billing address : invoice_address_one, invoice_address_two, invoice_town, invoice_county, invoice_postcode, invoice_contact_name

Customize invoice numbering

Add to your settings.py :

INV_ID_MODULE = 'invoice_mod.numbering'

This module must have a method called encode that take the invoice PK and return the invoice number :

def encode(pk, number):
    # ...

Customize invoice file naming

Add to your settings.py :

INV_NAME_MODULE = 'invoice_mod.naming'

This module must have a method called filename that take the invoice object and return the invoice file name (with the extension) :

def filename(invoice):
    # ...

Customize invoice export

If you want to use the export feature, add to your settings.py :

INV_EXPORT_MODULE = 'invoice_mod.export'

This module must have a method called gather_data_and_update_flags. The method's goal is to return a list of rows and update flags (is_exported). It takes one argument test, if True you shouldn't update flag. Here is a dummy example:

def gather_data_and_update_flags(test):
    invoices = Invoice.objects.filter(is_exported__in=('invoice_only',
    data = []
    for invoice in invoices:
        # Dummy example, you have to implement it yourself ;)
        data.append([invoice.invoice_date, invoice.total(), ])
        if not test:
            invoice.is_exported = 'yes'
    return data

Example of data returned:

data = [('2014-02-05', '200.00'), ('2014-02-20', '500.00'), ]

It will be your job to manage the is_exported fields for Invoice and InvoicePayment. There is three choices for Invoice.is_exported:

  • no : Nothing from that invoice has been exported
  • invoice_only : The invoice (aka. the items) has been exported, but not the payments
  • yes : Everything has been exported, invoice and payments