
Tools to upgrade a Wazo stack without service interruption

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Tools to upgrade a Wazo stack without service interruption


The goal of this repository is to document and collect tools required to be able to upgrade a Wazo stack without interruptions.

Your infrastructure will require the following.

2 Wazo stacks configured in HA mode 1 server with Kamailio installed

The kamailio server should have two hostnames pointing to it's IP address.

The Kamailio server named "proxy" from now on should be able to ssh to both Wazo stacks without entering a password

On the proxy execute the following commands

ssh-keygen -t ed25519
ssh-copy-id root@<primary-stack-hostname>
ssh-copy-id root@<secondary-stack-hostname>


Copy the script in bin/wazo-mode to the proxy in /usr/bin/wazo-mode Copy the script in bin/sync-agent-login.py to the primary in /usr/local/bin/sync-agent-login.py Copy the script in bin/wazo-agent-login-secondary-to-primary.py to the proxy in /usr/bin/wazo-agent-login-secondary-to-primary.py Copy the configuration file in etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg to the proxy in /etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg Copy the configuration file in etc/kamailio/kamailio-local.cfg.sample to the proxy in /etc/kamailio/kamailio-local.cfg


Proxy configuration

  • In /etc/kamailio/kamailio-local.cfg

    • Set the SIPDOMAIN01 and SIPDOMAIN02 variables to the 2 hostnames resolving to the Kamailio proxy
    • Set the SIPADDRINTERN variable to sip:<kamailio proxy IP address>:5060
    • Set the listen parameter to udp:<kamailio proxy IP address>:5060
    • Create the dispatcher "DB" file /etc/kamailio/dispatcher.list with the following content
# setid(int) destination(sip uri) flags(int,opt) priority(int,opt) attributes(str,opt)

1 sip:<PRIMARY IP ADDRESS>:5060 0 0
2 sip:<SECONDARY IP ADDRESS>:5060 0 0

HA configuration

  • The primary should have it's HA configured as master
  • The secondary should have it's HA configured as disabled
  • Manually configure the slave to allow PG synchronization

In /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf add the following line replacing <PRIMARY IP ADDRESS> with the IP address of the primary Wazo.

host asterisk postgres <PRIMARY IP ADDRESS>/32 trust
  • Disable wazo-provd on the secondary
mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/wazo-provd.service.d
cat <<EOF > /etc/systemd/system/wazo-provd.service.d/seamless-upgrade.conf
touch /var/lib/wazo/wazo-provd-disabled
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart wazo-provd
  • Setup SSH key authorization between master and slave

Launch xivo-sync -i on the primary

Add a cron to check the state of the primary on the Kamailio proxy

Copy the bin/wazo-ha-check script to /usr/sbin/wazo-ha-check

Add the following content to /etc/cron.d/wazo-active-active-ha

* * * * * root /usr/sbin/wazo-ha-check <PRIMARY IP ADDRESS> >/dev/null

Restart cron

systemctl restart crond.service

Agent synchronization

Create a refresh token for the script. On the primary

PASSWORD=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid | sed 's/[-]//g' | head -c 20; echo)
USER_UUID=$(wazo-auth-cli user create --password ${PASSWORD} wazo-agent-sync)
wazo-auth-cli user add --policy wazo_default_admin_policy wazo-agent-sync
curl -ki -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -u "wazo-agent-sync:${PASSWORD}" -d '{"access_type": "offline", "backend": "wazo_user", "client_id": "ha-agent-sync-primary", "expiration": 1}' 'https://localhost:443/api/auth/0.1/token'| grep -oE '"refresh_token": ".*"'

Note the refresh token that was returned from the curl command above.

Copy etc/wazo-agent-sync.yml to /etc/wazo-agent-sync.yml on the primary. Edit /etc/wazo-agent-sync.yml and configure the missing fields.

Force a DB sync using the command xivo-master-slave-db-replication <slave IP address>

Copy etc/systemd/system/wazo-agent-sync.service to /etc/systemd/system/wazo-agent-sync.service on the primary

Install wazo-websocketd-client-python3 on the primary

apt update
apt install wazo-websocketd-client-python3

Enable the new service

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable wazo-agent-sync.service
systemctl start wazo-agent-sync.service

Voicemail synchronization

  • Install nfs server on the somewhere in your infrastructure.

I installed it on the same VM as my Kamailio using the following command

dnf install nfs-utils
  • Start the nfs server
systemctl enable nfs-server.service
systemctl start nfs-server.service
  • Create the directory for voicemails
mkdir -p /mnt/nfs_shares/voicemails
  • Add the created directory to nfs exports in /etc/exports by adding the following line replacing <PRIMARY IP ADDRESS> and <SECONDARY IP ADDRESS>
/mnt/nfs_shares/voicemails	<PRIMARY IP ADDRESS>(rw,no_root_squash,sync) <SECONDARY IP ADDRESS>(rw,no_root_squash,sync)
  • Export the directory
exportfs -arv
  • If you are using firewalld it will need to be configured for nfs
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=nfs
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=rpc-bind
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=mountd
firewall-cmd --reload
  • Install the nfs client on each Wazo stack
apt update
apt install nfs-common nfs4-acl-tools
  • Test to see if the exports are visible
showmount -e <NFS SERVER IP address>

The output should be similar to this

Export list for <proxy IP address>:
/mnt/nfs_shares/voicemails <Wazo primary IP address>,<Wazo secondary IP address>
  • Create the local voicemail directory
mv /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail_old
mkdir /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail
mount -t nfs <NFS SERVER IP ADDRESS>:/mnt/nfs_shares/voicemails /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail
  • Copy old voicemails to the nfs share
mv -i /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail_old/* /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail
rmdir /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail_old
  • Make the nfs mount permanent
echo "<NFS SERVER IP ADDRESS>:/mnt/nfs_shares/voicemails /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail nfs defaults 0 0">>/etc/fstab

CEL replication

Asterisk CEL are inserted on both Wazo stacks and the call logs are generated on both stacks.

Configuring the primary

  • Add the following lines to /etc/odbc.ini
Description=Connection to the database of the secondary Wazo
Driver=PostgreSQL ANSI
  • Create the matching res_odbc config in /etc/asterisk/res_odbc.d/02-active-active.conf
enabled => yes
dsn => secondary
username => asterisk
password => proformatique
pre-connect => yes
max_connections => 1
  • Enable CEL logging on the secondary ODBC connection in /etc/asterisk/cel_odbc.d/02-active-active.conf
connection = secondary
table = cel
  • Configure Postgresql to allow ODBC connection from the secondary in /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf add
hostnossl asterisk asterisk <SECONDARY IP ADDRESS>/32 md5

in /etc/postgresql/11/main/postgresql.conf add the following line

listen_addresses = '*'

Configuring the secondary

  • Add the following lines to /etc/odbc.ini
Description=Connection to the database of the primary Wazo
Driver=PostgreSQL ANSI
  • Create the matching res_odbc config in /etc/asterisk/res_odbc.d/02-active-active.conf
enabled => yes
dsn => primary
username => asterisk
password => proformatique
pre-connect => yes
max_connections => 1
  • Enable CEL logging on the primary ODBC connection in /etc/asterisk/cel_odbc.d/02-active-active.conf
connection = primary
table = cel
  • Configure Postgresql to allow ODBC connection from the secondary in /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf add
hostnossl asterisk asterisk <PRIMARY IP ADDRESS>/32 md5

in /etc/postgresql/11/main/postgresql.conf add the following line

listen_addresses = '*'

BLF synchronization

The file etc/asterisk/pjsip.d/06-active-active.conf.sample needs to be copied to /etc/asterisk/pjsip.d/06-active-active.conf on each Wazo stacks.

The content of the file should be modified as follow

On the primary

Change <OTHER IP ADDRESS> to the IP address of the secondary

On the secondary

Change <OTHER IP ADDRESS> to the IP address of the primary Change all occurences of instance2 to instance1


  1. Create a snapshot of the primary and secondary

    If the secondary fails to upgrade save the logs and revert to the snapshot If the primary fails to upgrade save the logs and revert the master to its snapsnot, then switch back to normal mode, once all calls are back on the primary restore the secondary from its snapshot

  2. Stop the synchronization cron on the primary

    This prevents a DB synchronization from happening when the Wazo stacks are not in the same version and could have different database schema.

    In /etc/cron.d/xivo-ha-master comment both lines

# 0 * * * * root /usr/sbin/xivo-master-slave-db-replication <SECONDARY IP ADDRESS> >/dev/null
# 0 * * * * root /usr/bin/xivo-sync >/dev/null
  1. Stop the HA check cron from the proxy

    Stop automatic traffic switching from the HA cron

    In /etc/cron.d/wazo-active-active-ha comment the line

# * * * * * root /usr/sbin/wazo-ha-check <PRIMARY IP ADDRESS> >/dev/null
  1. Do one last manual synchronization

    This will synchronize all changes made in the last hours before upgrading

    From the primary launch the following command

xivo-master-slave-db-replication <SECONDARY IP ADDRESS>
  1. Generate call logs

    Avoid a big gap in the call logs by forcing the call log generation for calls that happenned on the other Wazo

    On the secondary execute the following command

. /etc/profile.d/xivo_uuid.sh && /usr/bin/wazo-call-logs
  1. wazo-upgrade the secondary
Check for errors
  1. Switch mode to "maintenance" from the proxy
wazo-mode maintenance
  1. Monitor calls on the primary until all calls are on the secondary

    Wait until all calls are done on the primary before upgrading, the upgrade will stop services

  2. wazo-upgrade the primary

Check for errors
  1. Switch mode to "normal" from the proxy
wazo-mode normal
  1. Restart the synchronization cron on the primary

Uncomment the lines in /etc/cron.d/xivo-ha-master

  1. Restart the HA check on the proxy

Uncomment the line in /etc/cron.d/wazo-active-active-ha

All done