
Learn the basics of CS sorting algorithms

Primary LanguageSwift


SortMeOut is a simple app to allow students and developers to learn and understand basic fundamental Computer Science sorting algorithms.

SortMeOut doesn't just show you the algorithm, it allows you to test and play around with input arrays however you like and also proceed through the algorithm step by step so you can learn and understand the algorithm at your own pace. Also, a log of all the sorting algorithm's operations is available so you can see what exactly the algorithm is doing.

Presently, SortMeOut supports four basic sorting algorithms:

[Bubble Sort] (#bubblesort)

[Merge Sort] (#mergesort)

[Quick Sort] (#quicksort)

[Insertion Sort] (#insertionsort)

##Bubble Sort

alt text

##Merge Sort

alt text

##Quick Sort

alt text

##Insertion Sort

alt text

##Coming Next

SortMeOut will soon support more Algorithms and Computer Science Concepts, such as;

  • Radix Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Heap Sort
  • Bogosort

Furthermore, the following features are also to be implemented to enhance learning capabilities:

  • Rewind function
  • Code highlighting
##Bugs & Support

If you would like to support this app, report bugs or anything else, please contact mwoodruffdev@gmail.com