
A modern template for a Servant

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT



A modern template for a Servant application.


The project aims to provide a template for a Servant project featuring:

The application

The application allows users to categorify contents by tags. Any content can have many tags and any tag could be used for several contents.

It allows also to retrieve contents by a set of tags.


A more in depth description of the architecture of the application can be found in ARCHITECTURE.md.


Configuration of the application is managed using TOML. The application requires a configuration file with the following format:

  host     = "localhost"
  port     = 5432
  dbname   = "tagger-db"
  user     = "tagger-user"
  password = "tagger-pwd"

  port = 8080

By default, the file is located in config.toml, but the path is actually configurable with the config option.


The main endpoints of the application are protected by JWT authentication. To access them you first need to get an authorization token for a user.

To get it you first need to register a user by calling the register endpoint.

Next, you can obtain a token by calling the login endpoint with the same data provided to the register endpoint.

Eventually, you should pass your token in the Authorization header for the relevant endpoints to access them.


The project is setup to be built with Stack, though it is also possible to build via Nix. Convenience scripts are provided (under the bin/ directory) to manage the lifecycle of the application. These scripts try to use Nix if it is available, and fall back to using Stack directly otherwise. The scripts are completely optional, and direct invocations of stack commands (e.g. stack build, stack test, etc.) is also valid.

In summary, there are three equally valid ways of interacting with the project depending on your setup:

  • Using the higher-level convenience scripts (bin/api/serve, bin/frontend/build)
  • Through the nix-shell (using nix-shell --run 'stack' and nix-shell --run 'elm make ...' and letting nix take care of making the dependencies available)
  • Directly (using your environment's stack and elm commands)

ℹ️ If direnv is installed, it is also possible to use it with nix. The provided .envrc file is already configured to use nix and only needs to be enabled by issuing direnv allow in the project root once.


There are a few ways to setup the project and its dependencies, outlined below.

With nix

Setting up the runtime dependencies for development, such as the database, is taken care of by the bin/setup script. This calls individual components' setup scripts such as bin/db/setup under the hood, if you prefer to call it directly without using nix.

Without nix

Alternatively, there is a setup script in bin/db/setup that will create a database, user and load the schema required for a working development environment. This script assumes the existence of few packages (toml2json, jq, postgres, etc.).

With docker

In the root of the project you can find a docker-compose.yml file which provides a Postgresql database and a web interface to it, exposed on port 8081. You can initialise the schema of the database by running the schema.sql which is also provided.

Building the API

To build the API, run

# With convenience script

# With nix
nix-shell --run 'stack build'

# With stack
stack build

ℹ️ The convenience script forwards options/flags to stack build, so it could be run as bin/api/build --file-watch

⚠️ Note for non-nix users: the build requires the presence of the pg_config executable which is made available by installing Postgresql. Nix would take care of this automatically.

Serving the API for development

You can launch the web server using

# With convenience script (with hot-reloading enabled)

# With nix
nix-shell --run 'stack exec servant-template-exe'

# With stack (without hot-reloading)
stack exec servant-template-exe

Running the API tests

To run the tests, run

# With convenience script

# With nix
nix-shell --run 'stack test'

# With Stack
stack test

which will expose the service on port defined in configuration.

⚠️ Note for non-nix users: serving the API with hot-reloading requires the presence of the watchexec utility which is made available by the nix shell. Install it manually if you wish to use this script.

The executable accepts two options:

  • --config, which allows to customize the path of the configuration file
  • --jwk, which allows to customize the path of the file where the JWK is stored


The Haskell files are formatted using ormolu. The Elm source code is formatted using elm-format.

There is a script to format all files in the codebase (Elm and Haskell) under bin/format. Individual projects can be formatted separately with bin/api/format and bin/frontend/format.


You can generate the documentation of the project using

# With convenience script

# With nix
nix-shell --run 'stack haddock'

# With Stack
stack haddock

OpenApi documentation

You can access the OpenAPI documentation just by visiting the docs endpoint (by default http://localhost:8080/docs)


This repository contains also a client Elm application to interact in a human-friendly way with the Tagger api.

You can find more details in elm/README.md, but there are convenience commands:

Building the project

# With convenience script

# With nix
nix-shell --run 'cd elm; elm make src/Main.elm'

# With npm
cd elm; npx elm make src/Main.elm

Serve project for development

# With convenience script

# With nix
nix-shell --run 'cd elm; elm-live src/Main.elm'

# With npm
cd elm; npx elm-live src/Main.elm