
This is a mirror for http://gerrit.ovirt.org, for issues use http://bugzilla.redhat.com

Primary LanguageJava

oVirt Engine API Metamodel

This project contains the oVirt Engine API Metamodel. It is a set of tools that read, analyze and generate code from the API model.


To build this project use the usual Maven command line:

$ mvn clean install


The project is released to Maven Central via the Sonatype OSSRH repository.

To perform a release you will need to do the following actions, most of them automated by the Maven release plugin:

Prepare the release

This is automated using the Maven release plugin:

$ mvn release:prepare

This will ask you the version numbers to use for the released artifacts and the version numbers to use after the release. The release version numbers will be something like 1.0.4, and the version numbers after the release will be something like 1.0.5-SNAPSHOT. You should use the defaults unless there is a very good reason to change them.

The result will be two new patches, and a tag added to the local repository. These patches and tag will not be pushed automatically to the remote repository, so you need to do it manually, first the patches:

$ git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master

This will send the patches for review to gerrit. Go there, review and merge them. Once the patches are merged the tag can be pushed:

$ git push origin 1.0.4

Perform the release

This is also automated using the Maven release plugin. But in this case it is necessary to sign the artifacts, as both Sonatype OSSRH and Maven Central require signed artifacts. To sign artifacts the sign profile needs to be activated:

$ mvn release:perform -Psign
The artifacts will be signed using your default GPG key, so make sure you have a valid GPG key available.

This will use the tag to checkout the code from the remote repository, it will build it, run the tests and, finally, if everything succeeds, it will upload the signed artifacts to the OSSRH repository.

The rest of the process is manual, using the OSSRH web interface available here. Log in with your user name and password and select the Staging Repositories option. Then use the search bar in the top right corner to search for ovirt. In the result list you should see you repository, and in the panel below you should see the details, including the contents of the respository. Inspect those contents, and when you are satisfied click the Close button. Wait a bit, maybe clicking the Refresh button a few times, till the Release button is enabled. Click the Release button, it will ask for a message, write something like Release 1.0.5 and then OK. The release is now ready, and it will be propagated to Maven Central later, it usually takes around 30 minutes.