SoloDB is a light, fast and robust NoSQL and SQL embedded .NET database built on top of SQLite using the JSONB data type.
Imagine the power of MongoDB and SQL combined.
- SQLite at the core.
- Serverless, it is a .NET library.
- Simple API, similar to LiteDB, see the below.
- Thread safe using a connection pool.
- ACID with full transaction support.
- File System for large files storage.
- Support for polymorphic types.
- Reliable with a WAL log file.
- Support for indexes for fast search.
- LINQ-like queries.
- Direct SQL support.
- Open source.
- Pretty well tested: 160+ of mostly integration tests.
dotnet add package SoloDB
You can specify either a file path or an in-memory database.
using var onDiskDB = new SoloDB("path/to/database.db");
using var inMemoryDB = new SoloDB("memory:database-name");
var myCollection = db.GetCollection<User>();
var untypedCollection = db.GetUntypedCollection("User");
var exists = db.CollectionExists<User>();
Use the WithTransaction
method to execute a function within a transaction.
db.WithTransaction(tx => {
var collection = tx.GetCollection<ulong>();
// Perform operations within the transaction.
throw null; // Simulate a fail.
db.CollectionExists<long>() // False.
Direct SQLite access using Dapper
using var pooledConnection = db.Connection.Borrow();
"CREATE TABLE Users (\r\n Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,\r\n Name TEXT,\r\n Age INTEGER\r\n)");
// Create a new user
var insertSql = "INSERT INTO Users (Name, Age) VALUES (@Name, @Age) RETURNING Id;";
var userId = pooledConnection.QuerySingle<long>(insertSql, new { Name = "John Doe", Age = 30 });
Assert.IsTrue(userId > 0, "Failed to insert new user.");
You can create a backup of the database using the BackupTo
or VacuumTo
The Optimize
method can optimize the database using statistically information, it runs automatically on startup.
var fs = db.FileSystem;
// Supports directories.
var directory = fs.GetOrCreateDirAt("/example");
// Supports directory metadata.
fs.SetDirectoryMetadata(directory, "key", "value");
fs.Upload("/example/file.txt", new MemoryStream(randomBytes));
// Supports sparse files.
fs.WriteAt("/example/file.txt", /* offset */ 1000000, randomBytes, /* create if inexistent */true);
// Supports file metadata.
fs.SetMetadata("/example/file.txt", "key", "value");
using var toStream = new MemoryStream();
fs.Download("/example/file.txt", toStream);
var read = fs.ReadAt("/example/file.txt", 1000000, randomBytes.Length);
var file = fs.GetOrCreateAt("/example/file.txt");
// Can list files and directories.
var fileFromListing = fs.ListFilesAt("/example/").First();
// Automatic SHA1 hashing.
var fileByHash = fs.GetFileByHash(fileFromListing.Hash);
Here is an example of how to use SoloDB to manage a collection of documents in C#:
using SoloDatabase;
using SoloDatabase.Types;
public class MyType
public SqlId Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Data { get; set; }
let db = new SoloDB("./mydatabase.db")
var collection = db.GetCollection<MyType>();
// Insert a document
var docId = collection.Insert(new MyType { Id = 0, Name = "Document 1", Data = "Some data" });
// Or
var data = new MyType { Id = 0, Name = "Document 1", Data = "Some data" };
Console.WriteLine("{0}", data.Id); // 2
// Query all documents into a C# list
var documents = collection.Select().OnAll().Enumerate().ToList();
// Query the Data property, where Name starts with 'Document'
var documentsData = collection.Select(d => d.Data).Where(d => d.Name.StartsWith("Document")).Enumerate().ToList();
data.Data = "Updated data";
// Update a document
// Delete a document
var count = collection.DeleteById(data.Id); // 1
using MongoDB.Bson;
using MongoDB.Driver;
public class MyType
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Data { get; set; }
var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017");
var database = client.GetDatabase("mydatabase");
var collection = database.GetCollection<MyType>("MyType");
// Insert a document
var newDocument = new MyType { Name = "Document 1", Data = "Some data" };
// Query all documents into a C# list
var documents = collection.Find(FilterDefinition<MyType>.Empty).ToList();
// Query the Data property, where Name starts with 'Document'
var filter = Builders<MyType>.Filter.Regex("Name", new BsonRegularExpression("^Document"));
var documentsData = collection.Find(filter).Project(d => d.Data).ToList();
newDocument.Data = "Updated data";
// Update a document
collection.ReplaceOne(d => d.Id == newDocument.Id, newDocument);
// Delete a document
var deleteResult = collection.DeleteOne(d => d.Id == newDocument.Id);
Console.WriteLine(deleteResult.DeletedCount); // 1
And in F#:
type MyType = { Id: SqlId; Name: string; Data: string }
let db = new SoloDB("./mydatabase.db")
let collection = db.GetCollection<MyType>()
// Insert a document
let docId = collection.Insert({ Id = SqlId(0); Name = "Document 1"; Data = "Some data" })
// Or
let data = { Id = SqlId(0); Name = "Document 1"; Data = "Some data" }
collection.Insert(data) |> ignore
printfn "%A" data.Id // 2
// Query all documents into a F# list
let documents = collection.Select().OnAll().ToList()
// Query the Data property, where Name starts with 'Document'
let documentsData = collection.Select(fun d -> d.Data).Where(fun d -> d.Name.StartsWith "Document").ToList()
let data = {data with Data = "Updated data"}
// Update a document
// Delete a document
let count = collection.DeleteById(data.Id) // 1
You can read the LICENSE.txt.
- For fun and profit, and to have a more simple alternative to MongoDB.