
A document database build on top of SQLite using the JSONB data type.

Primary LanguageF#GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


SoloDB is a light, fast and robust NoSQL and SQL embedded .NET database built on top of SQLite using the JSONB data type.


Imagine the power of MongoDB and SQL combined.

How to install

From NuGet

dotnet add package SoloDB


Initializing the Database

You can specify either a file path or an in-memory database.

using var onDiskDB = new SoloDB("path/to/database.db");
using var inMemoryDB = new SoloDB("memory:database-name");

Creating and Accessing Collections

var myCollection = db.GetCollection<User>();
var untypedCollection = db.GetUntypedCollection("User");

Checking Collection Existence

var exists = db.CollectionExists<User>();

Dropping Collections



Use the WithTransaction method to execute a function within a transaction.

db.WithTransaction(tx => {
    var collection = tx.GetCollection<ulong>();
    // Perform operations within the transaction.
    throw null; // Simulate a fail.
db.CollectionExists<long>() // False.

Direct SQLite access using Dapper

using var pooledConnection = db.Connection.Borrow();
"CREATE TABLE Users (\r\n    Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,\r\n    Name TEXT,\r\n    Age INTEGER\r\n)");

// Create a new user
var insertSql = "INSERT INTO Users (Name, Age) VALUES (@Name, @Age) RETURNING Id;";
var userId = pooledConnection.QuerySingle<long>(insertSql, new { Name = "John Doe", Age = 30 });
Assert.IsTrue(userId > 0, "Failed to insert new user.");

Backing Up the Database

You can create a backup of the database using the BackupTo or VacuumTo methods.


Optimizing the Database

The Optimize method can optimize the database using statistically information, it runs automatically on startup.

var fs = db.FileSystem;

// Supports directories.
var directory = fs.GetOrCreateDirAt("/example");

// Supports directory metadata.
fs.SetDirectoryMetadata(directory, "key", "value");
fs.Upload("/example/file.txt", new MemoryStream(randomBytes));
// Supports sparse files.
fs.WriteAt("/example/file.txt", /* offset */ 1000000, randomBytes, /* create if inexistent */true);

// Supports file metadata.
fs.SetMetadata("/example/file.txt", "key", "value");

using var toStream = new MemoryStream();
fs.Download("/example/file.txt", toStream);
var read = fs.ReadAt("/example/file.txt", 1000000, randomBytes.Length);


var file = fs.GetOrCreateAt("/example/file.txt");

// Can list files and directories.
var fileFromListing = fs.ListFilesAt("/example/").First();
// Automatic SHA1 hashing.

var fileByHash = fs.GetFileByHash(fileFromListing.Hash);

Example Usage

Here is an example of how to use SoloDB to manage a collection of documents in C#:


using SoloDatabase;
using SoloDatabase.Types;

public class MyType
    public SqlId Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Data { get; set; }

let db = new SoloDB("./mydatabase.db")
var collection = db.GetCollection<MyType>();

// Insert a document
var docId = collection.Insert(new MyType { Id = 0, Name = "Document 1", Data = "Some data" });

// Or

var data = new MyType { Id = 0, Name = "Document 1", Data = "Some data" };
Console.WriteLine("{0}", data.Id); // 2

// Query all documents into a C# list
var documents = collection.Select().OnAll().Enumerate().ToList();

// Query the Data property, where Name starts with 'Document'
var documentsData = collection.Select(d => d.Data).Where(d => d.Name.StartsWith("Document")).Enumerate().ToList();

data.Data = "Updated data";

// Update a document

// Delete a document
var count = collection.DeleteById(data.Id); // 1


using MongoDB.Bson;
using MongoDB.Driver;

public class MyType
    public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Data { get; set; }

var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017");
var database = client.GetDatabase("mydatabase");
var collection = database.GetCollection<MyType>("MyType");

// Insert a document
var newDocument = new MyType { Name = "Document 1", Data = "Some data" };

// Query all documents into a C# list
var documents = collection.Find(FilterDefinition<MyType>.Empty).ToList();

// Query the Data property, where Name starts with 'Document'
var filter = Builders<MyType>.Filter.Regex("Name", new BsonRegularExpression("^Document"));
var documentsData = collection.Find(filter).Project(d => d.Data).ToList();

newDocument.Data = "Updated data";

// Update a document
collection.ReplaceOne(d => d.Id == newDocument.Id, newDocument);

// Delete a document
var deleteResult = collection.DeleteOne(d => d.Id == newDocument.Id);
Console.WriteLine(deleteResult.DeletedCount); // 1

And in F#:


type MyType = { Id: SqlId; Name: string; Data: string }

let db = new SoloDB("./mydatabase.db")
let collection = db.GetCollection<MyType>()
// Insert a document
let docId = collection.Insert({ Id = SqlId(0); Name = "Document 1"; Data = "Some data" })
// Or
let data = { Id = SqlId(0); Name = "Document 1"; Data = "Some data" }
collection.Insert(data) |> ignore
printfn "%A" data.Id // 2
// Query all documents into a F# list
let documents = collection.Select().OnAll().ToList()
// Query the Data property, where Name starts with 'Document'
let documentsData = collection.Select(fun d -> d.Data).Where(fun d -> d.Name.StartsWith "Document").ToList()
let data = {data with  Data = "Updated data"}
// Update a document
// Delete a document
let count = collection.DeleteById(data.Id) // 1


You can read the LICENSE.txt.


Why create this project?

  • For fun and profit, and to have a more simple alternative to MongoDB.
API is subject to change.