
A repo for fancy push notification templates using CleverTap

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Push Templates by CleverTap

Push Templates SDK helps you engage with your users using fancy push notification templates built specifically to work with CleverTap.


This library is in public beta, for any issues, queries and concerns please open a new issue here

Table of contents


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Out of the box

  1. Add the dependencies to the build.gradle
implementation 'com.clevertap.android:push-templates:0.0.4'
implementation 'com.clevertap.android:clevertap-android-sdk:3.8.2'
implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.11.0'
implementation 'com.google.android.exoplayer:exoplayer:2.10.2' // required only if you plan on using the Video Template
  1. Add the Services to your AndroidManifest.xml
        <action android:name="com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT"/>

            <action android:name="com.clevertap.PT_PUSH_EVENT"/>
  1. Add the Receivers to your AndroidManifest.xml


Custom Handling Push Notifications

  1. Add the dependencies to the build.gradle
implementation 'com.clevertap.android:push-templates:0.0.4'
implementation 'com.clevertap.android:clevertap-android-sdk:3.8.2'
implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.11.0'
implementation 'com.google.android.exoplayer:exoplayer:2.10.2' // required only if you plan on using the Video Template
  1. Add the Service to your AndroidManifest.xml
            <action android:name="com.clevertap.PT_PUSH_EVENT"/>
  1. Add the Receiver to your AndroidManifest.xml
  1. Add the following code in your custom FirebaseMessageService class
public class PushTemplateMessagingService extends FirebaseMessagingService {

    Context context;

    public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
        try {
            PTLog.debug("Inside Push Templates");
            context = getApplicationContext();
            if (remoteMessage.getData().size() > 0) {
                Bundle extras = new Bundle();
                for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : remoteMessage.getData().entrySet()) {
                    extras.putString(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

                boolean processCleverTapPN = Utils.isPNFromCleverTap(extras);
                //If you are using CleverTapInstanceConfig to create the CleverTap instance use the commented code
                //CleverTapInstanceConfig config = CleverTapInstanceConfig.createInstance(getApplicationContext(),
                if (processCleverTapPN) {
                    if (Utils.isForPushTemplates(extras)) {
                        TemplateRenderer.createNotification(context, extras);
                        //TemplateRenderer.createNotification(context, extras, config);
                    } else {
                        CleverTapAPI.createNotification(context, extras);
        } catch (Throwable throwable) {
            PTLog.verbose("Error parsing FCM payload", throwable);

Dashboard Usage

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While creating a Push Notification campaign on CleverTap, just follow the steps below -

  1. On the "WHAT" section pass the desired values in the "title" and "message" fields (NOTE: We prioritise title and message provided in the key-value pair - as shown in step 2, over these fields)


  1. Click on "Advanced" and then click on "Add pair" to add the Template Keys


  1. You can also add the above keys into one JSON object and use the pt_json key to fill in the values


  1. Send a test push and schedule!

Template Types

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Basic Template

Basic Template is the basic push notification received on apps.
(Expanded and unexpanded example)

Basic with color

Auto Carousel Template

Auto carousel is an automatic revolving carousel push notification.
(Expanded and unexpanded example)


Manual Carousel Template

This is the manual version of the carousel. The user can navigate to the next image by clicking on the arrows.
(Expanded and unexpanded example)


If only one image can be downloaded, this template falls back to the Basic Template

Rating Template

Rating template lets your users give you feedback, this feedback is captured in the event Notification Clicked with in the property wzrk_c2a.
(Expanded and unexpanded example)


Product Catalog Template

Product catalog template lets you show case different images of a product (or a product catalog) before the user can decide to click on the "BUY NOW" option which can take them directly to the product via deep links. This template has two variants.

Vertical View (Expanded and unexpanded example)

Product Display

Linear View

Use the following keys to enable linear view variant of this template.

Template Key Required Value
pt_product_display_linear Required true

Product Display

Five Icons Template

Five icons template is a sticky push notification with no text, just 5 icons and a close button which can help your users go directly to the functionality of their choice with a button's click.
If at least 3 icons are not retrieved, the library doesn't render any notification. The bifurcation of each CTA is captured in the event Notification Clicked with in the property wzrk_c2a.

Timer Template

This template features a live countdown timer. You can even choose to show different title, message, and background image after the timer expires.

Timer notification is only supported for Android N (7) and above. For OS versions below N, the library falls back to the Basic Template.


Video Template

The Video template plays a video when the user clicks on the notification. The app open action is captured in the event Notification Clicked with in the property wzrk_c2a. The following formats are supported - .mp4,.m3u8, and .mpd The video url should start with https or else it will not be supported.
If your app does not include the Exo Player library, the library falls back to the Basic Template.


Zero Bezel Template

The Zero Bezel template ensures that the background image covers the entire available surface area of the push notification. All the text is overlayed on the image.
The library will fallback to the Basic Template if the image can't be downloaded.

Zero Bezel

Input Box Template

The Input Box Template lets you collect any kind of input including feedback from your users. It has four variants.

With CTAs

The CTA variant of the Input Box Template use action buttons on the notification to collect input from the user.

To set the CTAs use the Advanced Options when setting up the campaign on the dashboard.


Template Key Required Value
pt_dismiss_on_click Optional Dismisses the notification without opening the app

CTAs with Remind Later option

This variant of the Input Box Template is particularly useful if the user wants to be reminded of the notification after sometime. Clicking on the remind later button raises an event to the user profiles, with a custom user property p2 whose value is a future time stamp. You can have a campaign running on the dashboard that will send a reminder notification at the timestamp in the event property.

To set one of the CTAs as a Remind Later button set the action id to remind from the dashboard.

Template Key Required Value
pt_event_name Required for e.g. Remind Later,
pt_event_property_<property_name_1> Optional for e.g. <property_value>,
pt_event_property_<property_name_2> Required future epoch timestamp. For e.g., $D_1592503813
pt_dismiss_on_click Optional Dismisses the notification without opening the app


Reply as an Event

This variant raises an event capturing the user's input as an event property. The app is not opened after the user sends the reply.

To use this variant, use the following values for the keys.

Template Key Required Value
pt_input_label Required for e.g., Search
pt_input_feedback Required for e.g., Thanks for your feedback
pt_event_name Required for e.g. Searched,
pt_event_property_<property_name_1> Optional for e.g. <property_value>,
pt_event_property_<property_name_2> Required to capture input fixed value - pt_input_reply


Reply as an Intent

This variant passes the reply to the app as an Intent. The app can then process the reply and take appropriate actions.

To use this variant, use the following values for the keys.

Template Key Required Value
pt_input_label Required for e.g., Search
pt_input_feedback Required for e.g., Thanks for your feedback
pt_input_auto_open Required fixed value - true

To capture the input, the app can get the pt_input_reply key from the Intent extras.


Template Keys

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Basic Template

Basic Template Keys Required Description
pt_id Required Value - pt_basic
pt_title Required Title
pt_msg Required Message
pt_msg_summary Required Message line when Notification is expanded
pt_subtitle Optional Subtitle
pt_bg Required Background Color in HEX
pt_big_img Optional Image
pt_ico Optional Large Icon
pt_dl1 Optional One Deep Link (minimum)
pt_title_clr Optional Title Color in HEX
pt_msg_clr Optional Message Color in HEX
pt_small_icon_clr Optional Small Icon Color in HEX
pt_json Optional Above keys in JSON format

Auto Carousel Template

Auto Carousel Template Keys Required Description
pt_id Required Value - pt_carousel
pt_title Required Title
pt_msg Required Message
pt_msg_summary Optional Message line when Notification is expanded
pt_subtitle Optional Subtitle
pt_dl1 Required Deep Link (Max one)
pt_img1 Required Image One
pt_img2 Required Image Two
pt_imgn Optional Image N
pt_bg Required Background Color in HEX
pt_ico Optional Large Icon
pt_title_clr Optional Title Color in HEX
pt_msg_clr Optional Message Color in HEX
pt_small_icon_clr Optional Small Icon Color in HEX
pt_json Optional Above keys in JSON format

Manual Carousel Template

Manual Carousel Template Keys Required Description
pt_id Required Value - pt_manual_carousel
pt_title Required Title
pt_msg Required Message
pt_msg_summary Optional Message line when Notification is expanded
pt_subtitle Optional Subtitle
pt_dl1 Required Deep Link One
pt_dl2 Optional Deep Link Two
pt_dln Optional Deep Link for the nth image
pt_img1 Required Image One
pt_img2 Required Image Two
pt_imgn Optional Image N
pt_bg Required Background Color in HEX
pt_ico Optional Large Icon
pt_title_clr Optional Title Color in HEX
pt_msg_clr Optional Message Color in HEX
pt_small_icon_clr Optional Small Icon Color in HEX
pt_json Optional Above keys in JSON format

Rating Template

Rating Template Keys Required Description
pt_id Required Value - pt_rating
pt_title Required Title
pt_msg Required Message
pt_msg_summary Optional Message line when Notification is expanded
pt_subtitle Optional Subtitle
pt_default_dl Required Default Deep Link for Push Notification
pt_dl1 Required Deep Link for first/all star(s)
pt_dl2 Optional Deep Link for second star
pt_dl3 Optional Deep Link for third star
pt_dl4 Optional Deep Link for fourth star
pt_dl5 Optional Deep Link for fifth star
pt_bg Required Background Color in HEX
pt_ico Optional Large Icon
pt_title_clr Optional Title Color in HEX
pt_msg_clr Optional Message Color in HEX
pt_small_icon_clr Optional Small Icon Color in HEX
pt_json Optional Above keys in JSON format

Product Catalog Template

Product Catalog Template Keys Required Description
pt_id Required Value - pt_product_display
pt_title Required Title
pt_msg Required Message
pt_subtitle Optional Subtitle
pt_img1 Required Image One
pt_img2 Required Image Two
pt_img3 Optional Image Three
pt_bt1 Required Big text for first image
pt_bt2 Required Big text for second image
pt_bt3 Required Big text for third image
pt_st1 Required Small text for first image
pt_st2 Required Small text for second image
pt_st3 Required Small text for third image
pt_dl1 Required Deep Link for first image
pt_dl2 Required Deep Link for second image
pt_dl3 Required Deep Link for third image
pt_bg Required Background Color in HEX
pt_product_display_action Required Action Button Label Text
pt_product_display_linear Optional Linear Layout Template ("true"/"false")
pt_product_display_action_clr Required Action Button Background Color in HEX
pt_title_clr Optional Title Color in HEX
pt_msg_clr Optional Message Color in HEX
pt_small_icon_clr Optional Small Icon Color in HEX
pt_json Optional Above keys in JSON format

Five Icons Template

Five Icons Template Keys Required Description
pt_id Required Value - pt_five_icons
pt_img1 Required Icon One
pt_img2 Required Icon Two
pt_img3 Required Icon Three
pt_img4 Required Icon Four
pt_img5 Required Icon Five
pt_dl1 Required Deep Link for first icon
pt_dl2 Required Deep Link for second icon
pt_dl3 Required Deep Link for third icon
pt_dl4 Required Deep Link for fourth icon
pt_dl5 Required Deep Link for fifth icon
pt_bg Required Background Color in HEX
pt_small_icon_clr Optional Small Icon Color in HEX
pt_json Optional Above keys in JSON format

Timer Template

Timer Template Keys Required Description
pt_id Required Value - pt_timer
pt_title Required Title
pt_title_alt Optional Title to show after timer expires
pt_msg Required Message
pt_msg_alt Optional Message to show after timer expires
pt_msg_summary Optional Message line when Notification is expanded
pt_subtitle Optional Subtitle
pt_dl1 Optional Deep Link
pt_big_img Optional Image
pt_big_img_alt Optional Image to show when timer expires
pt_bg Required Background Color in HEX
pt_timer_threshold Required Timer duration in seconds (minimum 10)
pt_timer_end Required Epoch Timestamp to countdown to (for example, $D_1595871380 or 1595871380). Not needed if pt_timer_threshold is specified.
pt_title_clr Optional Title Color in HEX
pt_msg_clr Optional Message Color in HEX
pt_small_icon_clr Optional Small Icon Color in HEX
pt_json Optional Above keys in JSON format

Video Template

Video Template Keys Required Description
pt_id Required Value - pt_video
pt_title Required Title
pt_msg Required Message
pt_msg_summary Optional Message line when Notification is expanded
pt_subtitle Optional Subtitle
pt_big_img Required Image
pt_video_url Required Video URL (https only)
pt_bg Required Background Color in HEX
pt_dl1 Optional Deep Link
pt_title_clr Optional Title Color in HEX
pt_msg_clr Optional Message Color in HEX
pt_small_icon_clr Optional Small Icon Color in HEX
pt_ico Optional Large Icon
pt_json Optional Above keys in JSON format

Zero Bezel Template

Zero Bezel Template Keys Required Description
pt_id Required Value - pt_zero_bezel
pt_title Required Title
pt_msg Required Message
pt_msg_summary Optional Message line when Notification is expanded
pt_subtitle Optional Subtitle
pt_big_img Required Image
pt_small_view Optional Select text-only small view layout (text_only)
pt_dl1 Optional Deep Link
pt_title_clr Optional Title Color in HEX
pt_msg_clr Optional Message Color in HEX
pt_small_icon_clr Optional Small Icon Color in HEX
pt_ico Optional Large Icon
pt_json Optional Above keys in JSON format

Input Box Template

Input Box Template Keys Required Description
pt_id Required Value - pt_input
pt_title Required Title
pt_msg Required Message
pt_msg_summary Optional Message line when Notification is expanded
pt_subtitle Optional Subtitle
pt_big_img Required Image
pt_big_img_alt Optional Image to be shown after feedback is collected
pt_event_name Optional Name of Event to be raised
pt_event_property_<property_name_1> Optional Value for event property <property_name_1>
pt_event_property_<property_name_2> Optional Value for event property <property_name_2>
pt_event_property_<property_name_n> Optional Value for event property <property_name_n>
pt_input_label Optional Label text to be shown on the input
pt_input_auto_open Optional Auto open the app after feedback
pt_input_feedback Optional Feedback
pt_dl1 Optional Deep Link
pt_title_clr Optional Title Color in HEX
pt_msg_clr Optional Message Color in HEX
pt_small_icon_clr Optional Small Icon Color in HEX
pt_ico Optional Large Icon
pt_dismiss_on_click Optional Dismiss notification on click
pt_json Optional Above keys in JSON format


  • pt_title and pt_msg in all the templates support HTML elements like bold <b>, italics <i> and underline <u>

Developer Notes

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  • This library uses local file system to download images for better performance. /data/data/your_app_name/app_pt_dir.
  • These images are stored at a notification id level.
  • These images are deleted whenever the notification is dismissed or clicked.
  • Using images of 3 MB or lower are recommended for better performance.
  • A silent notification channel with importance: HIGH is created every time on an interaction with the Rating, Manual Carousel, and Product Catalog templates with a silent sound file. This prevents the notification sound from playing when the notification is re-rendered.
  • The silent notification channel is deleted whenever the notification is dismissed or clicked.

Sample App

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Check out the Sample app


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Your contributions are always welcome! Please have a look at the contribution guidelines first. 🎉


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The MIT License (MIT) 2020. Please have a look at the LICENSE.md for more details.