
Command line interface and Ruby client for the Tumblr API (v2)

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Command line interface and Ruby client for the Tumblr API

It's been rewritten from the ground up to support v2 of the api.

Like the v1, the current version reads files with a special front-matter block, like Jekyll. In addition, this new version offers the ability to post photos, videos, and audio.

Unlike the previous version, this new command line utility uses OAuth to authenticate and authorize the user.


If you're on a Mac using Homebrew and are just interested in the cli:

	brew install https://raw.github.com/mwunsch/tumblr/master/share/tumblr-rb.rb

Or with gem:

	gem install tumblr-rb

Alternatively, you can clone the repo, and run rake install -- this will build the gem, place it in the pkg directory, and install the gem to your system. You should then be able to require 'tumblr' and/or run tumblr from the command line.


Run tumblr authorize to boot up a small application to manage the fancy OAuth handshake with tumblr. You'll be prompted for a consumer key and secret you get from registering an app.

Getting Started

Like Jekyll, and Mustache, Tumblr gem will transform documents preceded by a YAML frontmatter block.

YAML frontmatter beings with --- on a single line, followed by YAML, ending with another --- on a single line, e.g.

type: quote
source: Billy Shakespeare
state: draft
tags: hamlet, shakespeare
"To be or not to be."

Understood YAML parameters are taken from the Tumblr API: http://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/api/v2#posting

All Posts

type				text, photo, link, quote, chat, video, audio
					will take a guess if ommitted.

state				published, queue, draft, private

format				html or markdown

tags				comma-separated list of tags

date    			post date

slug				A custom string to appear in the post's URL

tweet				Manages the autotweet (if enabled) for this post

See tumblr(5) for more info.


The gem has some configuration options – API keys are kept in ~/.tumblr and can be changed if needed. It will also use a $TUMBLRHOST environment variable if specified. These are usually placed in your .bashrc or .zshrc, or specified on running the tumblr command: TUMBLRHOST=foo.tumblr.com tumblr post "Hello world!"


  • Photoset support


The Tumblr gem is Copyright (c) 2010 - 2013 Mark Wunsch and is licensed under the MIT License.

Tumblr is Copyright (c) Tumblr, Inc. The Tumblr gem is NOT affiliated with Tumblr, Inc.