Cannot upload photo
metamn opened this issue · 1 comments
I'm able to upload regular posts but no photos. It seems your gem deals only with :source and ignores :data
Here is my test file:
type: photo
state: queue
tags: webdesign, inspiration
data: /home/cs/work/ruby/inspiration/images/wsurippleeffectitstartswithyou.png
And my irb:
ruby-1.9.2-head > d ='tumblr.test', 'r') {|f|}
=> "---\ntype: photo\nstate: queue\ntags: webdesign, inspiration\ndata: /home/cs/work/ruby/inspiration/images/wsurippleeffectitstartswithyou.png\n---\n\n"
ruby-1.9.2-head > r ='user', 'pwd').post(d)
=> #<Weary::Request:0x8df8b14 @uri=#<URI::HTTP:0x8df8920 URL:>, @http_verb=:post, @with="generator=The%20Tumblr%20Gem%20v1.3.0&email=user&password=pwd&type=photo&tags=webdesign%2C%20inspiration&state=queue&source=", @headers={"User-Agent"=>"TumblrGem/1.3.0 (+"}, @follows=true>
ruby-1.9.2-head > r.perform
=> Please select a photo to upload.
And the error:
we have an empty 'source=' instead of 'data=<my_url>' in the api call
I've tried with a source instead of data and works.
Yes, this is a known limitation and is addressed in the TODO on the Readme:
File-uploading for Photos, Videos, Audio (needs to get into Weary)