- Contents
- Description
- Project structure
- Project roadmap
- Getting started
- Future Scope
- Built with
- Contributing
- Authors
_ Email Management System: Users can register & send emails to registered users. User registration will be done after verifying their phone number with OTP send to their phone. A unique email will be generated by the system for the user. User can login using that email-id & password. Sending of emails is facilitated between registered users with the system. Email features included are: Sending Mails, Archive & Unarchive their mails, Fetch all mails sent & received by the user.
_ Many users wonder about the email-id or username they will keep while registering with a new system.
_ The system generates a unique email by itself for the user.
_ The system checks its database & collects the frequency of the duplicate entries of names already present. It then generates a email-id using user's first & last name. Email-id format: "firstname.lastname[count]@mindwebs.com"
The current project structure is as follows:
├── .github/ scripts and configs for github templating and workflows
├── .nyc_output/ istanbul coverage output (generated on running npm run cover:test)
├── build/ JS build of the project (generated on running npm run build)
├── coverage/ istanbul coverage report (generated on running npm run cover:report)
├── docs/ code documentation by typedoc (generated on running npm run docs)
├── node_modules/ directory that stores generated code of every node module
├── scripts/ deploy scripts
├── src/
├── config/ configurations for modules like db, swagger doc, etc go here
├── controllers/ controller functions for every route. controllers make calls to services
├── dtos/ data transfer object definitions for cross function object passing
├── middlewares/ middlewares for various routes go here
├── models/ database schema / models go here
├── routes/ routes or endpoint definitions go here, routes make calls to controllers
├── services/ files that process and query the database go here
├── tests/ directory for endpoint testing
├── fixtures/ for pre-defining data and environments for tests
├── integration/ for integration tests using BDD methodology
├── utils/ utility functions used for testing go here
├── views/ the frontend of the project in EJS, CSS and js
├── utils/ utility or helper functions go here
├── aether-api.ts entry point to our expres app
├── .env.production environment variables used in the project for prod
├── .env.development environment variables used in the project for dev
├── .gitignore stores files and directories to be ignored in commits
├── .prettierrc configuration for prettier to help maintain a common code formatting
├── docker-compose.prod.yml config file to define containers (for prod)
├── docker-compose.yml config file to define containers
├── Dockerfile Docker commands to create the docker image go here
├── package.json metadata of the project
├── package-lock.json stores version of every package used in the project
├── readme.md details and instructions about the project go here
├── sonar-project.properties configs for sonarqube, used for code quality analysis
└── tsconfig.json typescript configs
_ This section is for the development team or anyone wishing to browse the codebase or even contribute to it.
- Node and npm (ls/gallium)
- Mongo DB and Compass
- Postman/ ThunderClient
- How REST APIs are written in node / ts
- What authentication an authorization is
- Microservices architecture and how it is better than Monolithic architecture
- Service meshing and API Gateways
_ A step by step series of instructions that tell you how to get the project running locally is given below.
- set the project directory up by cloning and creating .env.production and .env.development files, taking help from .env.example
- run
npm install
to install all node modules used - read the scripts under package.json and use accordingly
_ Various Authentication ethods support-
- Email Password Based JWT Token Authentication
Please read contributing.md for details on our code committing guidelines.