Nextflow Pipelines for GATK4

Paired-fastqs to uBAM

nextflow run aws-nextflow-gatk/ \
  -work-dir s3://<your_bucket>/work \
  --outdir s3://<your_bucket>/results/fastq-to-ubam/ \
  --input_fofn s3://<your_bucket>/input_files/fastq_manifest.txt


  • work-dir: nextflow work directory. Must be a location in s3
  • outdir: location in s3 where outputs are saved
  • input_fofn: an input manifest file of tab-delimited value of the following parameters:

Example Input:

NA19725_A	NA19725	s3://1000genomes/phase3/data/NA19725/sequence_read/SRR032764_1.filt.fastq.gz	s3://1000genomes/phase3/data/NA19725/sequence_read/SRR032764_2.filt.fastq.gz	Solexa-16044	BI.PE.091118_SL-XBD_0005_FC43265AAXX.1	2010-01-05T00:00:00Z	ILLUMINA	BI
NA19723_A	NA19723	s3://1000genomes/phase3/data/NA19723/sequence_read/SRR032770_1.filt.fastq.gz	s3://1000genomes/phase3/data/NA19723/sequence_read/SRR032770_2.filt.fastq.gz	Solexa-16043	BI.PE.091118_SL-XBD_0005_FC43265AAXX.7	2010-01-05T00:00:00Z	ILLUMINA	BI
NA19722_A	NA19722	s3://1000genomes/phase3/data/NA19722/sequence_read/SRR032772_1.filt.fastq.gz	s3://1000genomes/phase3/data/NA19722/sequence_read/SRR032772_2.filt.fastq.gz	Solexa-16042	BI.PE.091203_SL-XAM_0006_FC4328HAAXX.1	2010-01-05T00:00:00Z	ILLUMINA	BI

Per-Sample Variant Calling

nextflow run aws-nextflow-gatk/ \
  -work-dir s3://nf-work-bucket-us-east-2/work \
  --outdir s3://<your_bucket>/results/variant-discovery/ \
  --unmapped_bams_list s3://<your_bucket>/results/fastq-to-ubam/unmapped_bams.tsv \
  --projectId my-project


  • work-dir: nextflow work directory. Must be a location in s3
  • outdir: location in s3 where outputs are saved
  • projectId: used as directory name for output vcf files
  • unmapped_bams_list: a tab-delimited file with sample names and ubam locations

Example Input:

NA19771	s3://<your_bucket>/unmapped_bams/NA19771_A.unmapped.bam
NA19654	s3://<your_bucket>/unmapped_bams/NA19654_A.unmapped.bam
NA19731	s3://<your_bucket>/unmapped_bams/NA19731_A.unmapped.bam

Joint Genotyping

nextflow run aws-nextflow-gatk/ \
  -work-dir s3://<your_bucket>/work \
  --outdir s3://<your_bucket>/results/jointGenotyping/ \
  --input_vcf_path s3://<your_bucket>/results/variant-discovery/my-project/vcfs \
  --callset_name my-callset \
  --manifest s3://<your_bucket>/results/variant-discovery/merged_vcf_out.txt


  • work-dir: nextflow work directory. Must be a location in s3
  • outdir: location in s3 where outputs are saved
  • input_vcf_path: directory containing vcfs from per-sample variant calling
  • callset_name: name for directory and output vcf
  • manifest: tab-delimited file with sample names and vcf file locations from per-sample variant calling step

Format Conversion + Variant calling in one-step (BAM-to-VCF)

A single workflow that combines Paired-fastqs to uBAM and Per-Sample Variant Calling.

Takes fastq files as inputs and outputs vcf files.

nextflow run aws-nextflow-gatk/ \
  -work-dir s3://<your_bucket>/work \
  --outdir s3://<your_bucket>/results/fastq-to-ubam/ \
  --input_fofn s3://<your_bucket>/input_files/fastq_manifest.txt \
  --projectId my-project


  • work-dir: nextflow work directory. Must be a location in s3
  • outdir: location in s3 where outputs are saved
  • input_fofn: an input manifest file of tab-delimited values as in Paired-fastqs to uBAM
  • projectId: used as directory name for output vcf files