
Pocketmine BuddyChannels Plugin for Wordpress Buddypress pocketmine integration

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Server chat channels plugin for PocketMine-MP using wordpress buddypress groups as the channels Rewrite of https://github.com/EvolSoft/ServerChannels


PocketMine-MP plugins


PocketMine-MP Alpha_1.4 API 1.9.0


BuddyChannels Complete control of a busy server chat and encourage website usage.

Wordpress must be set up to use Simpleauths database for user login and users 'nicename' must be equal to simpleauth username

To use this on your own server you may need to edit function getPlayerRank and either make it return an empty string or edit it to work with your setup - I havent finsihed this yet its hard coded for my setup


Wordpress must be set up to use Simpleauths database for user login and users 'nicename' must be equal to simpleauth username

To use this on your own server you may need to edit function getPlayerRank and either make it return an empty string or edit it to work with your setup - I havent finsihed this yet its hard coded for my setup

Commands: /ch info > Show info about this plugin /ch help > Show help about this plugin /ch list > Show the list of all channels /ch join > Join a channel - use the channel number i.e /join 23 /shout > send a message to public chan /sh > shortcut for shout /ch > Mutes chat from public channel /ch > Unmutes chat from public channel

Text fomrmatting: Black ("&0");
Dark Blue ("&1");
Dark Green ("&2");
Dark Aqua ("&3");
Dark Red ("&4");
Dark Purple ("&5");
Gold ("&6");
Gray ("&7");
Dark Gray ("&8");
Blue ("&9");
Green ("&a");
Aqua ("&b");
Red ("&c");
Light Purple ("&d");
Yellow ("&e");
White ("&f");