
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

README for KDD-2021 code

Depedencies via Conda Environment

> conda env create -n xml --file environment.yml
> source activate xml

Notice: the following examples are executed under the > (xml) conda virtual environment

Install pyxclib

Tools for multi-label classification problems.

> git clone https://github.com/kunaldahiya/xclib.git
> cd xclib
> python setup.py install --user

Compile Cython Code

We implement some functional interface in Python for the sake of efficiency.

> python setup.py build_ext --inplace

Run the Sample

#### train models on eurlex using entire dataset
python main.py -d eurlex -ft 1
#### train models on eurlex by setting label splitting threshold \tau = 0.1
python main.py -d eurlex -thr 0.1
#### train models on eurlex by setting label splitting threshold \tau = 0.1 and data augmentation parameter n_aug = 3
python main.py -d eurlex -thr 0.1 -aug 3