
Streaming Data Platforms & Clojure

Primary LanguageClojure

Voxxed Days Melbourne 2018

It's easy, check-out the project then:

brew install ccm

then start a REPL and:

;; load data

(def messages (json/decode (slurp (io/resource "messages.json")) true))

;; initialize zookeeper, kafka, cassandra, and kafka-streams

(require '[voxxed.system :as system])


;; require kafka ns and load data

(require '[voxxed.kafka :as kafka])

(kafka/send-seq (:thimble/kafka.producer @system/state) "voxxed" messages)

;; require query ns and demonstrate data retrieval

(require '[voxxed.query :as query])

;; load a day of subject index

(query/find-words (:arche/connection @system/state) "mark" "1998-12-02T")

;; load a time series of subject index

 (async/into []
              (:arche/connection @system/state)

Any problems - shout.