Repo Email Documents Action Module ================================== This project is released under GPL v3. It is developed and maintained by Jumping Bean ( This is the repo module for the document library, email documents, document library action. To build the project run: mvn package This will compile the project and run the tests. The test will fail if you have not edited the server settings in properties/local/ You will need to add<mail server>. If you want to compile the amp package without running tests: mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package Both of the above commands should result in a amp package being build under target directory. e.g. target/RepoEmailDocuments.amp To deploy the amp file to the repository tier run java -jar path-to-alfresco/bin/alfresco-mmt.jar install target/RepoEmailDocuments.amp path-to-tomcat/webapps/alfresco.war -verbose You should backup the existing alfresco.war file first just in case. There is nothing else to do on the repository tier Tests ------ The test are limited mainly due to the many dependencies on infrastructure like mail servers and alfresco services. If time permits mock objects may be used in future and the actual asserts improved. How to Use ----------- To make use of the action you will need to install the ShareEmailDocuments amp in the companion project. It can be found here: