
Simple microgateway with OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Introspection Microgateway

The aim of this project is to provide a simple microgateway with OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection.

The original use-case was to provide with introspection capabilities an existing HAProxy deployment.


Its use is recommended using the Docker image.

You can download it from the official Docker Registry or just build it from the Dockerfile in this repo.

docker run \

The service makes use of dotenv so integration with Docker Swarm configurations and secrets is trivial.

This approach allows protecting the SSO credentials from being visible by container inspection. As counterpart, in that case the container has to run in a Swarm instance.

echo -n 'YOUR_SSO_INTROSPECTION_URL' | docker secret create introspection_url -
echo -n 'YOUR_SSO_INTROSPECTION_CLIENT_ID' | docker secret create introspection_client -
echo -n 'YOUR_SSO_INTROSPECTION_SECRET' | docker secret create introspection_secret -

env.template for golang templating

SSO_INTROSPECTION={{ secret "introspection_url" }}
SSO_CLIENT_ID={{ secret "introspection_client" }}
SSO_CLIENT_SECRET={{ secret "introspection_secret" }}

All environment varialbes

variable name required default description
SSO_INTROSPECTION true - Token introspection endpoint (can be found on the ${SSO}/.well-known/openid-configuration page
SSO_CLIENT_ID true - Client ID of your OpenID Connect configuration
SSO_CLIENT_SECRET true - Client Secret of your OpenID Connect configuration
PORT false 8080 Port on which the proxy server shall listen for incoming requests
SSL_SECURE false true Proxy checks SSL certificates (see here)
JWT_HEADER_NAME false - If set, the introspection result will be injected as JWT in the given header
ALLOW_JWT_PASSTHROUGH false false If true, it is allowed to call the proxy with the JWT_HEADER_NAME already set. This prevents it from being overwritten by the introspection result
JWT_SECRET false 'secret' The secret used to sign the JWT
ALLOW_MISSING_AUTH_HEADER false false WARNING: only set to true if you want to allow unauthorized access to your backend! Set to true to ignore the abscense of an Authorization header and simply forward the request
LOG_LEVEL false 'info' Available levels are 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error'


version: "3.8"
    image: dacamposol/introspection-microgateway
      - "3128:8080"
      - source: dotenv
        target: "/usr/app/.env"
      - introspection_url
      - introspection_client
      - introspection_secret

    file: "./env.template"
    template_driver: golang

    external: true
    external: true
    external: true

Proxying request

For proxying a request there are only two conditions:

  • The request contains a valid Auth Token as Bearer authentication in the Authorization header.
  • The request contains a valid URL for the proxy target in the Destination header.1

Example in cURL:

curl -v --header "Destination: https://my-target-url.com" \ 
        --header "Authorization: Bearer 0001HjFxeeGd1m8I6fs44LbC98Fz" \

Output example:

Introspection Proxy listening on port 8080
=== Received request with destination to: [https://my-target-url.com] ===
+ Access Token: [0001HjFxeeGd1m8I6fs44LbC98Fz]
+ Introspection Response: [{
  "sub": "dacamposol",
  "active": true
+ Proxying to: [https://my-target-url.com/example/path]


  1. I'm not totally convinced with this header name, so inputs about possible names are appreciated.