
What you need . An emulator. I strongly suggest fceux since it has its own debugger . cc65 compiler

Read first

I have built and learned a lot from reading this simple nes example, which this rom is base upon:

It is both simple and complete. I have reused some of their subroutines, such as the nmi and ppu management. The python script to generate the debugging symbols

This even simpler example displays and Hello World! alongside the current gamepad state. I have also added the reset_count variable that will be incremented every time the player hits the reset button.


1- Compile Without debugging symbols: cc65\bin\ca65 main.asm -g -o main.o cc65\bin\ld65 -o main.nes -C memory.cfg main.o With debugging symbols: cc65\bin\ca65 main.asm -g -o main.o cc65\bin\ld65 -o main.nes -C memory.cfg main.o -m -Ln main.labels.txt --dbgfile main.nes.dbg py

2- Open main.nes with fceux

3- Enjoy!