Black Stories

Welcome to the Game Lab

This is an Open Source project running with the awesome frameworks/libraries/APIs:

This project is a Work In Progress. Feel free to DM me @mxkaske for feedback.


  • Write a better instruction manual for the game (ChatGPT?) and add icons for quick visual feedback
  • Use Redis to store statistics about each game.
  • Get a percentage of completion of the story to see how much the user needs to answer more.
  • Help user by adding significance number for each question (by clicking a hint on button maybe)
  • Train model to understand the important story points for a successfull played game. Let the user know if she got an important information by setting points like 2/4. In general, show some progress!
  • use route.ts for app API routing
  • add tips (in footer maybe - not in information) like:
    1. Is it important where/what/who? (how to ask questions)
    2. ... (check for more tips)
  • Add a not accurate button for solved games that have not been solved yet
  • we have two mixing types, in validation and types
  • replace lucide with hero icons
  • create a filter on list (e.g. difficulty,..)


  • Twitter is caching link cards for 7 days. The redis content will be deleted based on ttl. It will happen that the card image will change over time.