- 2
Laravel 10 install error
#19 opened by sts-ryan-holton - 1
Limit logging
#17 opened by EasterAssociates - 0
Laravel 9 Support
#15 opened by mikkoaf - 1
- 0
Rate job limiting doesn't seem to work
#14 opened by merc74 - 1
Logging Issue
#12 opened by trimmytech - 1
- 0
- 1
Laravel 7 Support
#6 opened by xxdalexx - 2
Ability to disable logging
#5 opened by piotrpalarz - 2
Horizon ignores rate limit
#1 opened by StefanPrintezis - 3
Laravel 6 please
#3 opened by tanthammar - 0
Worker Sleep Duration
#4 opened by hettiger