
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Day 1 : Aug 21, 2018

Today's Progress : I have learnt about google datalab api and Tensorflow estimators

Thoughts : Tensorflow is a fucking powerfull framework, it's awesome to see how to solve an ML problem with such simplicity of code. Datalab doesn't impressed me that much. I'm not quite into Notebooks yet. I miss having VIM superpowers, and web editting feels terrible bad. Also the connection with github repositories sucks.

Day 2 : Aug 22, 2018

Today's Progress : Learnt Pandas DataFrames basics and solved my first problem from scratch, implementing a DNN.

Thoughts : Datalab and Notebooks are cool. The problem with the repository connection is somehow addressed with ungit, which is a really nice interface to git. Using tensorflow is a bomb!

Link of Work: Commit

Day 3 : Aug 23, 2018

Today's Progress : Following Coursera TF course. Learning about batching inputs. Struggling a bit to get all things in place and reading a lot of docs. There are a lot of things to tweak in the function calls and is nice to read what arguments can be passed, so you get an idea how to do the stuff with TF and pandas. Couldn't finish the assignment today, need to debug how to use the map function, bug happy with the overall architecture of the solution

Thoughts : Even if you can create code with a few lines, you need to know the parameters that you're using and that you can use to be a powerful coder.

Link of Work: Commit

Day 4 : Aug 24, 2018

Today's Progress : Using TF Estimators for distributed work and TensorBoard for analysis. Learnt a bit of Keras and Torch.

Thoughts : Using the Graphs in TF is not that intuitive as i originally thought and is hard to debug, at least for now.

Link of Work: Im' stuck trying to apply some transformation in the input function to transfor a list of float32 scalars to a rounded version with 0.1 precission.

Day 5 : Aug 25, 2018

Today's Progress : Learned about Tensors in detail and debugging. I'm trying to debug the input function from day 3 to map the round function to transformate the input data.

Thoughts : I'm making slow progress on this because i need to grasp more the details. Debugging the execution graph is not that easy if you don't understand how it works.

Link of Work:: Experiments in an empty notebook Commit

Day 6 : Sept 2, 2018

Today's Progress : I completed week Nr2 of TF course from Google on coursera. I got an Estimator, with data loading and monitoring with TensorBoard. The model isn't performing well. Will improve it in the next week

Thoughts : I was confronted with probably what is the real deal in ML. Having a model, wich is not performing well and having no idea why. Data is good and clean (it seems)

Link of Work:: Coursera

Day 7 : Sept 3, 2018

Today's Progress : Compleeted week 3 of TF course. Learned how to use CMLE to pre test a model, updload data to buckets, submit the training job, monitor progress and publish the trained model.

Thoughts : CMLE is incredible powerful. It puts the power of ML and expensive hardware in the hands of everyone.

Link of Work: notebook

Day 8 : Sept 4, 2018

Today's Progress : 4th part of the TF course. Today I was learning about feature engeniering. This is a serious and hard part of ML. It takes sometime about 70-80% of the project time.

Thoughts : Doing some exercises this is one of those things that look easy but they really aren't. The insight knowledge of the domain is very strong correlated with the quality of this task.

Link of Work: coursera

Day 9 : Sept 8, 2018

Today's Progress : Feature enginieering and exercise. One shot encoding. Important is that if data is somtimes not available, the availability or not should be encoded as a feature too. As a difference with statistics in ML outliers aren't ignored but learned

Thoughts : Interesting how many things got taken care already, there is also almost no need to make variables normalization any more.

Link of Work:: Commit

Day 10: Sept 14, 2018

Today's Progress: Using apache beam locally and pushing the job to dataflow in Google Computing Plattform GCP

Thoughts: Awesome abstraction and impresive syntax in python (overloading of the pipe symbol). I don't think this is the most important now to learn, as I would like to have models working where i cant solve and needed to use this feature first. That way it it would allow me to get into the details faster, however it seems that there arent many tricky details

Link of Work:: Sources

Day 11: Sept 17, 2018

Today's Progress: Apache Beam and MapReduce


Link of Work:: coursera

Day 12: Sept 21, 2018

Today's Progress: Took the test regarding Apache Beam and MapReduce


Link of Work:: coursera

Day 13: Sept 23, 2018

Today's Progress: Learning about dataprep, Trifecta product integrated in GCP

Thoughts: Extremely boring subject, have trouble concentrating

Link of Work:: coursera

Day 14: Sept 25, 2018

Today's Progress: Did a Lab + Builtin tutorial of dataprep

Thoughts: Fucking awesome tool, i'm blown. Sooo easy to use and intuitive I think old Datasciencist are thinking that nowdays everything is so easy for newcommers. I also find great that all computing gets automatically outsourced to GCP. The only downside is the slow spin ups time, which makes the workflow of a DS quite intermitent.

Link of Work:: coursera

Day 15: Sept 27, 2018

Today's Progress: Learning feature crossing

Thoughts: This allows to use non-linear features with linear models. Adventages from linear models are simplicity and convexity (one local minima easy to find). Using binning with feature crossing is a common practice but generates sparse data input (only one bin activates the rest are just zeros). Handling of sparsing data is then important. Tensor flow helps with that

Link of Work:: coursera