
Primary LanguageRuby

# When the proyect already has the mpseed included
    git submodule update --init --recursive

# Adding it to a project
## Submodule

1. Use me as a submodule (optimal)

    git submodule add mpadulo@code.mainstorconcept.de:/git/mpseed

2. Link the desired Vagrant file mpseed/Vagrantfile.????? in your base directory

    ln -s mpseed/Vagrantfile.$(something_here) Vagrantfile

3. Add custom config for production or development as vagrant-[prod|dev].rb on
   your base directory

## Fork (deprecated)

__WARNING:__When using remotes they are meant mainly for branches of the same
project. So it maybe isn't the best idea

    git remote add mpseed mpadulo@code.mainstorconcept.de:/git/mpseed.git

    # OPTION 1:Avoid accidental pushings to remote, and pull direct to master
    git remote set-url --push mpseed no-pushing 

    # OPTION 2: Create a local tracking branch, and merge only local branches
    git fetch mpseed # Downloads the remote
    git checkout -b mpseed mpseed/master