
ANSI C implementation of the Sender Policy Framework with patches for most unix MTAs

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION

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        An ANSI C Implementation of the Sender Policy Framework

Table of Contents

1.0 ............. Installation 2.0 ............. Patches 3.0 ............. Examples 4.0 ............. Documentation 4.1 ............ MTA specific 4.2 ............ API specific 4.3 ............ Resources 5.0 ............. Source Code 6.0 ............. License 7.0 ............. Portability 8.0 ............. Resources 8.1 ............ Email 8.2 ............ Developer Forums 8.3 ............ Mailinglist 9.0 ............. Contact 10.0 ............ Donating

  1. Installation:

./configure && make

You will find the static and dynamic libraries in the directory libtool will have created off of the libspf src dir.:

Example: ./libspf-1_0_0/src/libpf/.libs/

You will find the libSPF Query Tool binaries (both static and dynamic) in a directory created by make in the libSPF root directory called 'bin'.

Example: ./libspf-1_0_0/bin/

Outside of the generic available configure options you have the following at your disposal:

--enable-pthreads - Default = disabled

Enable linux posix threading support which in turn switches from gethostbyname to gethostbyname_r (if available, if not a custom reentrant wrapper is used) and several mutexes are employed to facilitate a thread-safe environment.

--enable-spfmilter - Default = disabled

Enable the libSPF fork of Jef Poskanzer's Sendmail spfmilter. The milter was forked at version 0.90. Problems with the milter are NOT to be directed to Jef as its not fair to ask him to support a fork when he is plenty busy with his own. Please forward bugs, questions, etc.. to myself (James).

--enable-spfqtool - Default = enabled

Enable the libSPF Query Tool. spfqtool is a fully functional binary SPF parser which you can call from userland or even call from a CGI or your MTA if you so wished. Since its written in the same language as libSPF its very lightweight and inexpensive to call repeatedly.

The above switches also work in reverse, so if for example you wished to disable to building of the query tool you would do:

./configure --disable-spfqtool

--enable-debug - Default = disabled

Enable debugging output. For a detailed document on how debugging works within libSPF please see the internal documenation or the online document available at http://libSPF.org/debugging_libspf.pdf/html By default debug output is pushed to /var/log/spf.log. If you wish to change this see the AutoConf configuration handle '--enable-debug-logfile' and disable it.

--enable-debug-logfile - Default = enabled

Enables logging debug output to /var/log/spf.log

--enable-logfile-stats - Default = disabled

Enables logfile stats to /var/log/spflog.txt which look like this:

[2005-04-18 14:24:48] result: unknown :: NievNeal3864@jlist.com [], ver: 10, depth: 1, error: (policy result: (unknown) from rule (-all)) [2005-04-18 14:24:48] result: unknown :: NievNeal3864@jlist.com [], ver: 10, depth: 1, error: (policy result: (unknown) from rule (-all)) [2005-04-18 17:10:49] result: softfail :: emgdxfwavxzwhk@hotmail.com [], ver: 5, depth: 1, error: (policy result: (softfail) from rule (~all)) [2005-04-18 21:14:00] result: neutral :: test@spftools.infinitepenguins.net [], ver: 2, depth: 1, error: (policy result: (neutral) from rule (?all)) [2005-04-18 21:14:07] result: neutral :: test@spftools.infinitepenguins.net [], ver: 2, depth: 1, error: (policy result: (neutral) from rule (?all))

I've got code to do this to MySQL if anyone is interested.. I'll try to include it in subsequent releases to 1.0 final.

--enable-rfc-recursion - Default = disabled

Change SPF recursion to 20 (as per RFC). This level has been deemed by members of the SPF-DISCUSS mailing list to be excessively high, although as far as I know Meng still believes it to be reasonable. I personally believe that its excessive, at least for now, which is why I've added this option to re-enable RFC recursion limits.

--enable-res_search - Default = disasbled

Enables DNS queries to follow default and search rules. This turned out to cause all sorts of problems for people who were employing default and search fules in their resolv.conf and was causing SPF queries to return improper results. Its honestly a bit of a feature if you are aware of it, and since most people never seem to read documentation or be aware of their surroundings, this is disabled by default.

--enable-paranoid-malloc - Default = enabled

Enable memsetting of every malloc called through the wrapper functions through wrapper functions that handle memory allocation.

--enable-libbind - Default = disabled

Link libbind instead of libresolv

--enable-full-optimizations - Default = disabled [DEPRECATED]

Enables building of an optimized library through the employment of various GCC compile time macros. I currently advise against this as they are architecture specific but in the future it is intended that they will be intelligent and will result in the right set of macros to result in the most optimized code generated for whatever architecture it is compiled on. [DEPRECATED]

  1. Patches:

Patches for each respective supported MTA are found within the patches directory, followed by the name of the MTA, and then optionally should there have been support long enough, there will be where applicable additional directories per MAJOR.MINOR.INCREMENTAL.

Example: ./libspf-1_0_0/patches/Sendmail/8.13.x/

The above example contains patches against Sendmail 8.13.x (the x is literal) and infers that a patch against any 8.13 version will be located there.

  1. Examples:

Examples follow the same layout as Patches. The examples directory contains example configuration files for the various MTA's supported by libSPF.

Example: ./libspf-1_0_0/examples/Sendmail/8.13.x/sendmail.cf.example

  1. Documentation:

Documentation also follows the same layout as Patches and examples. The Documentation directory is called 'docs' and is also found in the root of the unpack libspf archive. Documentation is split up into two categories.

4.1 MTA specific documentation:

There is a basic HOWTO document which details step-by-step how to patch and install a copy of the respective MTA's supported by libSPF. The documents follow the following naming convention:


Example: ./libspf-1_0_0/docs/qmail/net-1.05/netqmail-1.05-libspf-1.0-HOWTO.txt

4.2 API specific documentation:

API specific documentation is found in the 'API' directory inside of the 'docs' directory. You can point your favorite web browser to this folder or simply use your favorite shell or file explorer to traverse through the content.

The primary support for learning the API can be had through the HTML doxygen content available within each release of libSPF starting with libSPF-1.0-RC3, and the most up to date version will always be available from the libSPF.org website.

Secondary documentation is available from within this directory structure also and consists of papers that will go into specific detail on a particular topic.

Example: ./libspf-1_0_0/docs/API/debugging_libspf.pdf

4.3 Resources:

Please see the section entitled "libSPF Resources"

5.0 Source code:

All source code can be found from within the 'src' directory off the root of the unpacked libspf 1.0 archive. From there each individual library or binary will be located in its own directory.

Example: ./libspf-1_0_0/src/libspf

6.0 License:

libSPF is released under our own license, which is a modified version of the Apache Software Foundation's license. This license was chosen because we* wanted SPF implemented as fast and as easily as possible, and it was felt that licensing under the GPL would inhibit use by commertial entities wishing to support something like SPF but being unable to do so due to a restrictive license such as the GPL.

*we (Sean Comeau and myself)

License: ./libspf-1_0_0/LICENSE

7.0 Portability:

libSPF is coded in accordance with the ANSI C/89 and ANSI C/99 Standards. The library entirely complies with C/89, and I had to move to employ standards from C/99 to facilitate the debugging and standard function replacements that are implemented. For more information please read "Debugging libSPF" which can be found within the archive this README was enclosed in, inside of the 'docs' directory off its root.

libSPF is easily portable to win32 although because windows has not been the focus of interest its lagged behind more important things such as API documentation and getting near a stable release. If win32 portability interests you feel free to contact me, all thats necessary is to finish off a patch altering the DNS functionality.

libSPF is known to 'configure', 'compile' and work on the following architectures and the distributions associated with them:

[+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+] | Architecture | Distro | Version | Kernel | Compiler Version | [+-------------+----------------+----------+-----------+------------------+] | x86 | Fedora Core | 1 | 2.6.3 | GCC 3.3.2 | | x86_64 | Fedora Core | 1 | 2.6.7 | GCC 3.3.4 #$ | | x86 | Fedora Core | 2 | 2.6.7 | GCC 3.3.3/4 | | x86_64 | Fedora Core | 2 | 2.6.7 | GCC 3.3.3/4 #$ | | x86_64 | Fedora Core | 3 | 2.6.11 | GCC 3.4.3 #$ | | x86 | Gentoo | 1.4 | 2.6.7 | GCC 3.3.3/4 @#$ | | x86_64 | Gentoo | 2004.1 | 2.6.7-r11 | GCC 3.3.3/4 @#$ | | x86_64 | Gentoo | 2005.1 | 2.6.10-g6 | GCC 3.4.3 @#$ | | x86 | Mandrake | 9.2 | ? | GCC 3.3.1 | | x86 | Slackware | 8.0 | 2.6.7 | GCC 2.95.3 | | x86 | Slackware | 8.1 | 2.6.7 | GCC 2.95.3 | | x86 | Slackware | 9.0 | 2.6.7 | GCC 3.2.2 | | x86 | Slackware | 9.1 | 2.6.7 | GCC 3.3.1 | | x86 | Slackware | 10.0 | 2.6.7 | GCC 3.3.4 | | x86 | Red Hat Linux | 3.2.3-34 | 2.4.21-15 | GCC 3.2.3 030502 | [+-------------+----------------+----------+-----------+------------------+] | x86 | OpenBSD | 3.5 | 3.5 | GCC 2.95.3 @ | | x86_64 | OpenBSD | 3.5 | 3.5 | GCC 2.95.3 @ | | x86 | FreeBSD | 4.4 | 4.4 | GCC 2.95.3 | | x86 | FreeBSD | 4.10-PRE | 4.10-PRE | GCC 2.95.4 | | x86 | FreeBSD | 4.11-STA | 4.11-STAB | GCC 2.95.4 | | x86 | FreeBSD | 5.3 | 5.3 | GCC ?????? | [+-------------+----------------+----------+-----------+------------------+] | PPC | OSX/Darwin | 10.3 | 10.3 | GCC 3.3 | [+-------------+----------------+----------+-----------+------------------+] | SPARC | SunOS/Solaris | 5.8/8.0 | 5.8/8.0 | GCC/SC 3.0.1/5.3 | | x86 | SunOS/Solaris | 5.8/8.0 | 5.8/8.0 | GCC 2.95.3 | | SPARC | SunOS/Solaris | 5.9/9.0 | 5.9/9.0 | GCC 3.3 | | x86 | SunOS/Solaris | 5.9/9.0 | 5.9/9.0 | GCC/SC 3.3.2/5.5 | [+-------------+----------------+----------+-----------+------------------+] | @ = Propolice # = ssp $ = pie | Submit: libspf-support@codeshare.ca | [+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+]

8.0 Resources:

I've tried to provide as much support as I can through the means at my disposal. This being said you have access to the following:

8.1 Email:

  I'm readily available via E-Mail both on and off the list to help answer
  any questions that are not blatantly answered through a little reading.
  If you are a developer looking to implement and have a question, bug,
  feature, idea, etc.. DO NOT HESITATE to contact me!
  If you are an Administrator and you are trying to implement libSPF on
  your network, and you have exhausted the available help, DO NOT 
  HESITATE to contact me!
  Contact E-Mail: jcouzens@codeshare.ca

8.2 Developer Forums:

  The developer forums are aimed to promoting further patch work implementing
  libSPF in other MTA's and in other ways.  Its also a venue of bug-fix
  releases and feature-testing.  
  Developers will find this site most useful, but this doesn't exclude any 
  particular party from participating, all are welcome to be involved.
  Developer Foruyms: http://forums.codeshare.ca

8.3 Mailing List:

  As of August 1, 2004 there is now a mailing list hosted by codeshare.ca
  entitled 'libspf'.  You can subscribe to this mailginglist quite easily
  by submitting an email to 'libspf-subscribe@codeshare.ca' with an empty
  body and the subject: 'libspf subscribe'.

  There is also an announcesments list which is 'receive only' in that 
  only libSPF developers will post to it in announcement of a new
  release or bugfix.  To subscriber to this list submit and email to
  'libspf-announce-subscribe@codeshare.ca' with an empty body and the 
  subject: 'libspf announce subscribe'.

9.0 Contact:

Forums ....................... http://forums.codeshare.ca WWW .......................... http://libspf.org Bugs ......................... James Couzens jcouzens@codeshare.ca

10.0 Donations:

Honestly the best donation you can give is to provide feedback, patches, or aide the project in one fashion or another. If you do wish to show your appreciation in a more tangible form, I personally enjoy books and small electronic devices which you can find on my Amazon wishlist.


Link seems to break from time to time, so if it does you could search for my name if you were so motivated, or drop me a line :)

UPDATED: Mon Apr 18 21:32:45 PDT 2005