
Primary LanguageHTML

Pokedex Project


Pokedex client web app enabling users to browse Pokemons and to add/remove Pokemons from their "My Pokemon" list

Project is deployed on Heroku here: https://pokedex-marko-pancirov.herokuapp.com/

Techonologies used: Bootstrap 4, W3.css, AngularJS, Node.js, ng-accordion library (https://github.com/scniro/ng-accordion)

API used: https://pokeapi.co/

Note: Node.js/Express.js is used only to serve the client files to the browser.

Note: Images of some Pokemons can't be loaded from pokeapi so the app will load a pokeball instead Also pokeapi service is sometimes really slow which in turn slows down this app.

Note: Also since this project is deployed on free Heroku account there may be some dealy on initial loading.

If you want to run the Node server locally just run:

  1. npm install
  2. node index.js