
Various libraries prepared as OSGI ready maven bundles.

Primary LanguageJava


This project contains various libraries prepared as OSGI ready maven bundles.

Many of these are used for the Appjangle platform but can be used independently of this platform!

Any news and announcements regarding the bundles should be announced on the Missing Link Blog.

All maven artifacts are in the following repository:

        <id>onedb Releases</id>

This repository may contain maven pom definitions to link to other maven projects and/or parts of the source code of the referenced libraries. Use all poms and sources under the license of the referenced original project. For instance, since Netty is released under the Apache License 2.0, you should also use the pom provided in this repository and all sources within the thrdNetty3 folder under the Apache License 2.0.


All maven artifacts in this repository are configured to provide the following features:


Using the Maven Bundle Plugin, a MANIFEST.MF file will be created as part of the install phase. This file will be copied to the location {project root}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.

Hence, to create a MANIFEST.MF file for the projects, simply run maven with the install goal after downloading the project director:

mvn clean install

Create Eclipse PDE Projects

Since OSGi is an important cornerstone of the eclipse IDE, eclipse provides some of the very best tooling to work with OSGi modules. All projects in this repository allow you to generate an eclipse PDE project from the downloaded sources.

Just download the project, you would like to include and run maven with the goals listed below:

eclipse:clean clean package eclipse:eclipse -Declipse.pde -Declipse.useProjectReferences=false install -DskipTests 


Currently, the following libraries are provided in this repository:


Hamcrest is a powerful little library to define conditions in Java using an expressive API.

The wrapper included in this repository only contains a subset of the Hamcrest library; in particular, only those parts which can be compiled using the GWT compiler.

To avoid namespace collisions with other Hamcrest bundles (eclipse has one by default as part of the platform), all classes have been moved into a unique namespace.



OSGi bundle for Netty 3.2.6.



OSGi bundle for async-http-client library. This bundle depends on the Netty bundle.



OSGi bundle for Jetty 6.1.26.



Kryo is a powerful object serialization library for Java.

This repository provides a simple wrapper to enable running Kryo (1.03) in OSGi/eclipse PDE apps:



OSGi bundle for XStream version 1.3.1.



Mysql Connector/J

OSGi bundle for Mysql Connector/J 5.1.18:



OSGi bundle for Restlet (+'Simple' embedded web server):



Java Mail API

OSGi-ready bundle for the Java Mail API.



jdbm2 is a branch of the 100% Java key-value store JDBM.

This repository contains a variant of this library with non-colliding package names and an OSGi configured pom.



BabuDB is a not often mentioned but seriously great key-value store (read NOSQL!) written in 100% Java.

This artifact compiles BabuDB and all its dependencies together in one artifact and allows deploying it as embedded Java database in OSGi and vanilla Java applications.



Jettison is a powerful library to process JSON in Java.



Dom4J is a helpful library to work with XML. This artifact is a simple wrapper for this library allowing deploying it as OSGi bundle.


GWT User Library

Google Web Toolkit applications need to link during compile- (and development-)time to the GWT User library.

This repository contains two versions of the GWT client libraries: 2.2.0 and 2

Version 2.4.0:


Version 2.2.0:



JTidy is a simple Java library to clean malformed HTML.

This OSGi bundle wraps JTidy version 8.0.




jenabean is a Java library, which allows to convert Java objects into RDF.

The maven artifact in this repository allows deploying jenabean to an OSGi container.




Ext GWT is a rich-client library to enhance Google’s Web Toolkit.

Please note that this library is provided under the GPLv3 license. If you use this library (or the wrapper provided here) you will need to make your source code available under the terms of the GPL.


Swing Application Framework

The Swing Application Framework provides an extensible platform to build Swing applications.



Netbeans Wizard

The Netbeans Wizard API provides a convenient way to define wizards in Java Swing.



Swing Action Manager

Swing Action Manager provides an event-bus for Java Swing applications.




The SHEF library provides a rich text editor for Swing GUIs.



Novaworx Syntax

The (Novaworx Syntax Library)[http://freecode.com/projects/xmlgui/releases/158875] allows to highlight text in Swing UIs.



Apache Commons XML APIs

The Apache Commons XML APIs bundle a number of useful classes to work with XML.



Apache VFS

OSGi bundle for Apache Commons VFS:



OSGi bundle for gwt-exporter library.




OSGi bundle for MarkdownJ.
