This template closes the gap between between frontend and backend development.
A browsersync-server gives you instant result of your developmen
It contains a fast scss, js compiler based on dart-sass and esbuild
The hole system is .env driven. So there is no need to put any secret information in your repository.
The base version doesn't track LocalConfiguration.php (or setup.php). This file contains critical information an could be change by the extension manager on the live system.
- ddev
- local node 16 or more
- bash version 5
- gnu-sed available as sed
- mkcert
Your underlying unix-system is mostly poorly old. You could fix that by installing up-to-date software
Please ensure, that your installed software is available for the prepare-script.
brew install jq
brew install coreutils findutils gnu-tar gnu-sed gawk gnutls gnu-indent gnu-getopt grep
brew install unzip
brew install gzip
brew install mkcert
- ddev
- mkcert
git clone
cd test
visit typo3 frontend:
login typo3 backen (prepare/prepare):
watch any changes (file or backend changes) in browsersync:
- Than open test/temp/src/mst_site/html/Page/Templates/Default.html
- change a color in scss-section
- save!
- login into the backend prepare/prepare
- change the name of a page in the main navigation
A normal project start begins with the base system being initialized.
In the local development we assume that ddev is used.
In addition, some settings are made in for gitlab-ci but are currently still in alpha stage and not further documented.
At the beginning of a project, a configuration is stored in the file ./bin/, which all colleagues can use to initialize their local environment.
Branding and setup Then ./bin/ is copied to ./bin/ and ./bin/ is started. This script configures the site-package according to the desired vendor and package settings. It initializes the ddev configuration and the .gitlab-ci.yaml. The latter is the currently not further documented.
After ./bin/ has run successfully, the TYPO3 system can be initialized.
ddev start
# npm
ddev npm i t3-build
ddev npm i alpinejs
ddev npm i @alpinejs/collapse
ddev npm run build
# composer
ddev composer install
# default databse
ddev import-db --src=db/prepare.sql.gz
# import systemplate and fix folderstructure
ddev exec vendor/bin/typo3 database:import <db/sys_template.sql
ddev exec vendor/bin/typo3 install:fixfolderstructure
cp vendor/typo3/cms-install/Resources/Private/FolderStructureTemplateFiles/root-htaccess public/.htaccess
Now your TYPO3 should be running and accessible under the desired URL.
To speed up the frontend development t3-build uses browsersync. This is accessible under the port specified in .env.