
Terminal Markdown Reader - Written in Rust

Primary LanguageRust

Rust Markdown Reader

It's written in Rust and it reads Markdown.

Project Status

It kind of works! Could probably be better. I've never made anything with Rust before.


Readmes are good. They should be read. What if there was a really quick way to read them. A way not much slower than cat but with colours and stuff? That'd be neat.

This is a remake of mdr which I slapped together in Node. That was fine but slow to launch.


# Open README.md from the current directory

# Open test.md
mdr -f test.md
mdr --file test.md

# Open README.md from this Github repo. Meta!
mdr -g mrchimp/rust-mdr
mdr --github mrchimp/rust-mdr

# Open README.md from a Bitbucket repo
mdr -b somebitbucket/repo
mdr --bitbucket somebitbucket/repo

# Open README.md from another branch
mdr -g mrchimp/rust-mdr -b other_branch
mdr -g mrchimp/rust-mdr --branch other_branch


  • Check for non-200 statuses when getting remote files.
  • Async remote requests
  • Optimise some stuff?
  • Make code better?
  • Maybe just use minimad instead of termimad?

Compiling for OSX

From OSX Host

Just compile as normal:

cargo build --release

From Linux Host

# Install osxcross and other dependencies

# Build for OSX