
thatopenuniversity - Mater BIM Software Developer - Creating interactive websites

Primary LanguageHTML


├── 1. Welcome to creating interactive websites
├── 2. Coding the basics fo the projects page
│   ├── 2.1. Referencing DOM elements using JS
│   ├── 2.2. Working with events and functions
│   ├── 2.3. Introduction to debugging code errors
│   ├── 2.4. Flow control with conditional statements
│   └── 2.5. Catching up form data
├── 3. Introducing advanced code to the projects page
│   ├── 3.1. Introducing  bundling and the package manager
│   ├── 3.2. Creating a project class
│   ├── 3.3. Introducing TS to the code 
│   ├── 3.4. Using custom types for the Project class 
│   ├── 3.5. Creating project cards from code
│   ├── 3.6. Managing the projects
│   ├── 3.7. Coding some useful methods in Projects Manager
│   ├── 3.8. Creating custom errors
│   ├── 3.9. Exporting/importing project data as JSON
│   └── 3.10. Iterating over objects
├── 4. Implementing a git repository
│   ├── 4.1. Switching between pages
│   ├── 4.2. Introducing git
│   ├── 4.3. Updating the detauls page UI
│   └── 4.1. Remote repositories at GitHub
├── 5. JS helper lesssons
│   ├── 5.1. Whats is this chapter about?
│   ├── 5.2. Block scope
│   ├── 5.3. Variable reassignment
│   ├── 5.4. Ternary operator
│   ├── 5.5. Array/object spreading
│   ├── 5.6. Arrat/Object destructuring
│   ├── 5.7. Promises
│   └── 5.8. Class extending
└──6. Interactive websites module exercise
	└── 6.1. Creating interactive websites challenge