- 👋 Hi, I’m Adrian Padila a.k.a. @mxwlf
- 👀 I’m interested in:
<inhales deeply />
- Coding (duh).
- Software Architecture.
- Cloud Native.
- Linux / Unix.
- Security.
- Aviation.
- Music.
- Geeking out in general.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning: eBPF, Kubernetes internals.
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on: (your project here).
- 📫 adrian@adrianpadilla.net
- 🎨 My favorite palette: Nord.
- 💻 My OS's:
- MacOS / iOS for my client devices.
- Arch Linux (nah, not that hardcore, Garuda Dragonized) for my home server.
- Debian for misc devices around my lab (mostly Rasps and old PCs).
- 📺 My Shell: Zsh
- ⌨️ EMacs or Vim : NeoVim of course!
- 🔡 Favorite coding font: MesloLGS NF
- Favorite Standard: RFC 2119
- Favorite editors:
- Jetbrains Rider for .NET.
Jetbrains AppCodeXCode for Swift. 😔- VSCode for pretty much everything else.
- NeoVim for a lot else.
- all of these IDE's support vim emulation and there is even a VSCode plugin to use NeoVim as backend
- Currently reading: