
Flask 文档中文翻译

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Flask 中文文档

这里是 Flask 文档中文翻译项目,欢迎参与!

  1. 在开始翻译之前,请务必阅读下面的 Contributing Guide 了解翻译流程,然后阅读这个 issue 了解翻译要求,并在这些 discussions 中分别投票选出最佳翻译词汇、中文 logo 字体和中文标语。
  2. 需要强调的是,完成一章的翻译要提交两个 PR:第一个 PR 在对应的章节条目后添加自己的用户名以认领章节;第二个 PR 翻译对应的 .po 文件并勾选完成的章节条目。先认领,再翻译,一次只认领一章。
  3. 不要改动任何 ReStructuredText 标记、变量/类/函数/方法名称、URL 等。

如果有其他问题和相关想法,请创建 discussion 发起讨论;如果对翻译流程和项目设置有改进建议,或是发现了翻译错误和笔误,请创建 issue 反馈。

这个项目在后期会转移到 FlaskCWG 组织,并在翻译完成后链接到 Flask 官方文档。

Contributing Guide


  • Click the "Fork" button to fork this repository on GitHub.
  • Clone your fork repository locally (replace {username} with your username):
$ git clone https://github.com/{username}/flask-docs-zh
$ cd flask-docs-zh
$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/greyli/flask-docs-zh
  • Create a virtual environment and install requirements:

For Linux/macOS:

$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
$ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
$ pip install -e .
$ pre-commit install

For Windows:

> python -m venv env
> env\Scripts\activate
> python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
> pip install -r .\requirements\dev.txt
> pip install -e .
> pre-commit install


  • Open your fork repository on GitHub.
  • Click the "Fetch upstream" button to update your fork.
  • Click the edit button (a pencil icon in the upper right corner of the README) to edit the README.
  • Find the "Translation To-do List" section, mark the chapter you want to translate in following format:
- [ ] example @your_username Your Name

You can link the username to your GitHub profile:

- [ ] example [@your_username](https://github.com/your_username) Your Name
  • Leave a commit message (e.g., "Assign example to @your_username"), then select "Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request" and click the "Commit changes" button to create a PR.


  • When the self-assignment PR is merged, create a new branch locally (be sure to update the example branch name, for example, translate-cli):
$ git fetch upstream
$ git checkout -b your-branch-name upstream/main
  • Translate the .po file in the docs/locales/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES directory.

An example of one such file, from docs/.../index.po, is given below.

#: ../../index.rst:4
msgid "Welcome to Flask"
msgstr "欢迎来到 Flask 的世界"

Another case, msgid is multi-line text and contains reStructuredText syntax:

#: ../../index.rst:11
msgid ""
"Welcome to Flask's documentation. Get started with :doc:`installation` "
"and then get an overview with the :doc:`quickstart`."
msgstr ""
"欢迎来到 Flask 的文档。你可以从 :doc:`installation` 入手"
"然后阅读 :doc:`quickstart` 来了解基本概念。"

Please be careful not to break reST notation. Most po-editors will help you with that.

  • Mark the chapter as finished (fill the checkbox with "x"):
- [x] example @your_username Your Name
  • Update the Last-Translator field at the top of the .po file.
  • Commit the changes:
$ git add docs/locales/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/example.po README.md
$ git commit -m "Translate docs/example"
  • Build the docs and preview the changes:

For Linux/macOS:

$ cd docs
$ make html

For Windows:

> cd docs
> .\make.bat html

Open {project_location}/docs/_build/html/index.html in your browser to view the docs.

  • If everything is working as expected, push the changes to GitHub:
$ git push origin your-branch-name
  • Open the home page of your forked repository, you will see a notice about the new branch. Click the "Compare & pull request" button to create a PR.
  • The translation coordinator will review your PR very soon. Thank you!

Translation To-do List

Be sure only mark one chapter at a time, mark another one when the former PR is created. Unless it's a long chapter, we may reset the assignment if you doesn't finish the translation in ten days.


  • advanced_foreword (reserved)
  • appcontext @rosekc rosekc
  • async-await
  • becomingbig
  • blueprints @frostming Frost Ming
  • changes
  • cli
  • config
  • contributing
  • debugging
  • design
  • errorhandling @qiufengyu Fengyu
  • extensiondev
  • extensions
  • foreword (reserved)
  • htmlfaq
  • index @greyli Grey Li
  • installation @greyli Grey Li
  • logging
  • quickstart (reserved)
  • reqcontext @rosekc rosekc
  • security
  • server
  • shell @LTakamori LTakamori
  • signals
  • templating
  • testing
  • views

docs/tutorial/ (reserved)

  • blog
  • database
  • deploy
  • factory
  • index @greyli Grey Li
  • install
  • layout
  • next
  • static
  • templates
  • tests
  • views


  • asgi
  • cgi
  • fastcgi
  • index @180909 180909
  • mod_wsgi
  • uwsgi
  • wsgi-standalone


  • appdispatch
  • appfactories
  • caching
  • celery
  • deferredcallbacks
  • distribute
  • fabric
  • favicon
  • fileuploads
  • flashing
  • index
  • jquery
  • lazyloading
  • methodoverrides
  • mongoengine
  • packages
  • requestchecksum
  • singlepageapplications
  • sqlalchemy
  • sqlite3
  • streaming
  • subclassing
  • templateinheritance
  • urlprocessors
  • viewdecorators
  • wtforms


  • L0~L1000
  • L1000~L1500
  • L1500~L2000
  • L2000~L2500
  • L2500~L3000
  • L3000~L3500
  • L3500~L4000
  • L4000~L4500
  • L4500~L5000
  • L5000~L5500
  • L5500~L6000
  • L6000~L6500