
AI on Ethermint

Primary LanguagePython

AI on Blockchain


The project provides a distributed hand writing recognition serivce running on Ethermint.

With the client node processes user's image with the first few layers of CNN, the service node then continue analyzes the processed data with the rest layers (full connnected layers).


It aims at protecting data privacy since service node cannot get access to the original data while the customer cannot obtain the whole analyze model.

The result looks like this. You can trace the service process on the console of right side and receive the result.



  1. Environment

    OS: Linux / Mac OS / Windows (under experiment)

    Docker: The entire project is wrapped in Docker containers.

  2. Deploy

    • Build Docker Images

      In directory named 'AI on Ethermint'

      docker build -f ethermint/Dockerfile -t bianjie_ethermint ./ethermint
      docker build -f bean-hwr-server/docker/Dockerfile -t bean-hwr-server ./bean-hwr-server
      docker build -f bean-hwr/docker/Dockerfile -t bean-hwr ./bean-hwr
    • Run the project!

      bash run.sh

      Then you will see echo message

      service running on http://localhost:8080

      And the service is successfully running on http://localhost:8080

      You can type "docker ps" and then you shall see five containers:

      AI on Ethermint Anonymous$ docker ps
      CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                    COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                            NAMES
      95d5667032d3        bean-hwr                 "bash -c 'python i..."   About an hour ago   Up 2 seconds>5001/tcp,>8080/tcp   bean-hwr
      77f8103b2acb        postgres:9.6.2           "docker-entrypoint..."   About an hour ago   Up 2 seconds>5432/tcp                           docker_beanhwr-postgresql_1
      6344c61d70bd        bean-hwr-server          "bash -c 'python e..."   About an hour ago   Up 4 seconds                                                         bean-hwr-server
      c348371c568b        bianjie_ethermint        "bash -c 'ethermin..."   About an hour ago   Up 4 seconds>8545/tcp, 46658/tcp                ethermint-service
      0419998ff14c        adrianbrink/tendermint   "bash -c 'tendermi..."   About an hour ago   Up 5 seconds        46656-46657/tcp                                  tendermint-service
    • Terminate the service

      bash terminate.sh
    • Enjoy!