3rd year 5th semester Computer Science - Software Engineering project. Regional price comparison web application.
- .NET 6.0 WebAPI
- Entity Framework Core 6.0
- MS SQL Server
- Angular 14
Once you enter the site, you can create a new account or log in to existing one. Validation of the input data is implemented in both frontend and backend. For example, email and password must match a regex. Moreover, account will not be created if the input email already exists in the database.
If the registration and logging in is successful, the following view will be shown:
You can search for a product by name:
Searching for a product by category name only:
Once you click an offer, full address of a sales point will show up. There is also a comment section where you can write your own comment or like/dislike someone else's comment. You can also add an offer to favourites by hitting the heart button. It is worth mentioning that there is no way to like/dislike a comment more than once. Backend creators considered this case.
It is inefficient to fetch all the offers from the database at once, so in order to avoid this, the pagination of results is implemented.
If an administrator is logged in, there are new features available. They can remove a comment or ban an user. Banned user cannot comment on an offer and their all comments are deleted.
There is also a seperate section for administrators only. This is the place where products, categories, sales points and offers are added/modified/deleted and where users can be unbanned.
Adding a new product: (any image can be uploaded, it will be resized in backend)
- Mateusz - https://github.com/matebab551
- Janek - https://github.com/PanJan44
- Filip - https://github.com/corosto
- Karol - https://github.com/my-memory-leaked
- Dominik - https://github.com/DominikBarys
- Wiktor - https://github.com/wm1511