
The MOL-server, backend component for the MOL-clients.

Primary LanguageKotlin


Quality Gate Status Lines of Code Coverage

This is the repository for the server-component of the MOL-Organization.


This server acts as the backend-component for the MOL-Clients. As such, it takes care of the following aspects:

  • Data persistence via a SQL-Database
  • Authorization and access-management
  • Business logic and error handling

The server exposes a REST-API over which clients can access the resources platform-independent.


Environment Variables

Running the server requires a certain configuration via environment variables. Below you can see a list of them.

Name Description Default Format Example
MOL_SECURITY_JWT_SECRET Secret for signing the JWT's - String 73eb7d83-04f1-41d2-a887-e4cb734fa84c
MOL_DATABASE_USER Username for signing into the database - String admin
MOL_DATABASE_PASSWORD Password for signing into the database - String admin
MOL_DATABASE_URL Url to the database - String, URL jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
MOL_MAIL_HOST SMTP host of the mail provider - String, Domain smtp_gmail_com
MOL_MAIL_PORT SMTP port of the mail provider - Integer, Port 587
MOL_MAIL_FROM Username to the SMTP server - String, Email john@doe_com
MOL_MAIL_PASSWORD Password to the SMTP server - String, Email abcd1234
MOL_MAIL_SSL Whether to use SSL for the mail True Boolean true
MOL_SECURITY_JWT_DURATION Validity duration of the access tokens in minutes 15 Int, Minute 20
MOL_SECURITY_REFRESH_TOKEN_DURATION Validity duration of the refresh tokens in days 15 Int, Day 20
MOL_SECURITY_EMAIL_TOKEN_DURATION Validity duration of the email-verification tokens 5 Int, Minute 20
MOL_PORT Port at which the server runs 8080 Int, Port 20

Deployment Methods


Download the latest jar from the releases page and run it like this:

java -jar server.jar

Setting up the environment variables depends on your system.


Run the latest container with docker. For the latest tag, check out the packages page and run it like this:

Refer to this guid on how to set up the environment variables with docker.

docker run ghcr.io/my-own-lawbook:<version>

Docker Compose

Example docker-compose.yaml file:

    image: ghcr.io/my-own-lawbook:<version>
      - 8080:8080
      MOL_DATABASE_URL: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
      MOL_DATABASE_USER: admin
      MOL_MAIL_FROM: simon@bumiller.me
      MOL_MAIL_HOST: smtp.gmail.com
      MOL_MAIL_PASSWORD: abcd1234
      MOL_MAIL_PORT: 578
      MOL_MAIL_SSL: true

Info: Changing the MOL_PORT environment variable changes the internal port of the docker container.


Making changes

If you want to push changes, do the following steps:

  • (If needed: fork the repository)
  • Choose or a create an issue/milestone in which you describe the problem/new feature
  • Create a new branch, and name it:
    • If for milestone: milestone-<milestone-id>
    • If for issue: issue-<issue-id>
  • Do your changes, prefixing the commits with the id of the issue the commit is related to, e.g.: 371: Did some changes
  • State your changes in the ./changelogs/next-changelog.md (or create if it doesn't exist)
  • Create a pull request

Create a release

If you want to create a release, do the following steps:

  • Merge the develop branch into the main or master branch
  • Rename ./changelogs/next-changelog.md to <release-semver>.md and adjust content if needed
  • Update the version field in ./build.gradle.kts to the semver
  • Trigger the 'release.yml' workflow and enter the semver as the release version